Part 31

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I walked inside the mansion wondering what it could have been that Khushi wanted to talk to me about, I hoped it wasn't something to worry about.

I found her seated in the hall, lost in some thoughts, she looked like she was really worried about something.

"Hey... is everything okay?" I asked as I walked towards her. She stood up and looked at me with a smile as she walked towards me and hugged me.

"Now everything is okay." She sighed.

"You wanted to talk?" I asked breaking the hug.

"Yeah, let's sit down, it's going to take a while." She grabbed my hand and pulled me along as we both sat down on the sofa.

"I don't know where to start from or how to tell you about this. I don't even know if I should tell you or not but I have no one that I can trust apart from you and you told me I could talk to you about anything right?" She looked at me nervously.

"Of course Khushi, you can tell me anything, now come on, the suspense is worrying me, will you tell me what is it that you want to talk about?" I looked at her curiously.

"Sid is back." She said.

I waited for her to say something ahead but she dint, I dint even know who Sid was, I needed more information to understand what was happening here.

"And who is Sid?" I asked.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. He was the guy that I dated. The one I cheated on." She said.

"Oh... so that's what you wanted to tell me? That he was back?" I was still confused.

"No, that's not it. He came here and he said he was still in love with me and all that, he even tried to..."

"Tried to what Khushi? Did he somehow hurt you?" I grabbed her and started checking everywhere in case she was hurt.

"No, that's not what happened. He just tried to kiss me and for a moment, I almost allowed him but then I realized what I was doing and stopped him.

I told him I have a boyfriend and he left but now you see, this is what I was fearing. Sid is just back and I almost kissed him, I can never be the loyal girlfriend Arnav and I don't want to hurt you.

I just don't know what's wrong with me, I guess, I really am like my father." She said sadly.

At this moment, I quite honestly dint know what to feel about this, I mean of course she had told me all this and I had promised to help, so I was just trying to understand her and help her.

"Don't you see it Khushi, you stopped him, what more do you need to make you believe that you won't cheat. I mean it almost happened but it dint right? You just have to trust yourself enough."

"I am just scared Arnav, what if he comes here again, what if I bump into him somewhere, what if I end up doing something wrong. It all scared me so bad." She said sadly, I hated seeing her sad.

"You don't have to worry about anything Khushi, you just have to believe in yourself and your love for me and believe that it won't let you do anything wrong."

"Why do you believe in me so much, why do you think I won't repeat the same mistakes again?"

"Because I love you and you love me, and I believe in that love." I cupped her face and smiled at her.

"Okay. I'm just glad you could come and I got to talk to you about it. I feel better now." She smiled as she hugged me.

I sat there silently letting her calm down for a while, when I felt she had enough time to be okay, I broke the hug and stood up.

"I should get going, I left Anju alone at home." I said.

"Okay, I'll see you at the university tomorrow." She smiled.

"Till then miss me." I laughed as I walked out of the mansion, got into my car and drove off. I knew I dint have to worry about that Sid guy or anything, but him showing up here suddenly obviously had Khushi feeling a lot of things, I just wished I could understand what was going on in her mind.

I parked the car in the parking lot and stepped out when I saw Kabir walking towards me.

"Hey, when did you come?" I asked.

"Just a few minutes ago, I thought you weren't around so I was leaving."

"Well I wasn't but Anju is in the house, dint you ring the doorbell?"

"I did, quite a few times in fact, she dint open that's why I thought you guys had gone out." Kabir said, I looked at him in shock for a moment then rushed straight to the house, I pushed the door open but it was locked.

Gladly I always carried my keys with me, I quickly pulled it from my pocket and unlocked the door and I rushed in worriedly.

I hoped Anju was okay, I really hoped so.

Please God, let her be okay.

"Anju!" I shouted as I rushed straight to her room as Kabir followed me inside, I stopped when I found her sleeping on her bed.

I walked towards her, sat down and looked at her, it was very unlikely of Anju to sleep at such a time, plus how come she dint hear the doorbell?

"Anju, are you okay?" I asked as I shook her a little bit.

"No." She whispered very lightly.

"What's wrong? Are you sick? What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"I just feel weak and not okay." She said as he voice broke, I looked at Kabir and then at her once again.

"We need to take you to the hospital then, why dint you call me if you weren't feeling well? How many times have I told you to call me Anju?"

"I just thought I'd sleep and I'll be okay." She pouted.

I shrugged as I picked her up in my arm and rushed outside, Kabir quickly took the car keys from me and unlocked the car and I placed Anju on the back seat, Kabir got in with her as he held her in his arms while I rushed to the driver's seat and drove straight to the hospital.

She was just feeling weak, maybe it was fever, maybe it wasn't serious, I should really worry.

I just hoped she was going to be okay.

Once we arrived at the hospital we took her inside on a stretcher and the doctor came to attend her immediately as Kabir and I waited outside the room nervously.

"Is she going to be okay?" Kabir asked, he looked really scared, like he dint want to lose her at all.

"Yes Kabir, don't worry, she is strong, she is going to be okay."

"She promised me she won't leave me, she better keeps her promise." Kabir said sadly, I walked towards him, and pulled him into a hug, right now I dint know what to think about this situation either.

"Can you please call Khushi and tell her to come?" I asked, he nodded as he pulled his phone out of the pocket and walked aside.

I tried to peep in through the small window like thing on the door but I could see nothing, I had no idea what the hell was going on, I had no idea what had happened to her suddenly, all I knew that I dint want to lose her.

I dint have anyone I could call family apart from her, what was I going to do with my life without her in it? Even the thought of losing her scared the hell out of me.

I paced around the corridor waiting for the doctor to come out and inform me that she was okay, she had to be okay!

The door opened and the doctor walked out looking worried, that wasn't a good sign, my heart was already sinking.

"It's time for you to say your final goodbyes Arnav, she doesn't have much time left." The doctor looked at me sadly, I was left stunned, I couldn't even move or react about this news, how was this even possible? She was fine and now suddenly she wasn't? Why did this have to happen?

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