Part 35

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As time went by, things started getting better and back to normal, Arnav had actually tried really hard to move on and so did Kabir, at least they were back to their old selves, it just took them a couple of months and a little help from people close to them.

In the meantime, Sid and I had become good friends actually, he was always there for me, advising me, telling me how I should help Arnav and Kabir and everything was just perfect.

I was in my room getting ready for college knowing Arnav would come to pick me up anytime soon, off late we had made this habit of going to college together and coming back together, it was kind of cute.

I liked all the efforts he was making for me, to keep me happy despite all the problems he had in his life, I could have never found a better man than him to fall in love with.

Actually, no wonder I fell in love with him, because he was just the one for me, the perfect one.

I heard a knock at the door of my room and turned around, Arnav was standing there smiling at me.

"You're my boyfriend, you don't have to knock." I laughed.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind next time, I'll just walk in and grab you from behind and scare the hell out of you." he laughed as he walked towards me.

"I might like that." I smiled, he wrapped his arm around my waist and looked into my eyes.

"You are like a dream come true for me."

"How is that?" I asked.

"Just... Since school, I just always wanted to be with you but a part of me also knew that it was never going to happen. I guess I just got lucky."

"No I think I got lucky."

"We both got lucky then." He moved closer and kissed me, slowly but deeply, it felt like heaven. Yup things were getting back to normal, it had been long since Arnav and I even kissed, there was just a lot going on.

"So how about a date tonight?" He asked.

"Sure, it's been long since we went on a date." I nodded.

"Great, I'll plan, we should get going now, you know I don't like being late for my classes." I nodded as I grabbed my stuff and followed him downstairs, as we walked out of the main door, I saw Sid walking towards us.

Arnav seemed quite surprised to see him here, of course he must be, all this while we really hadn't had time to sit and talk about stuff so I hadn't even told him that Sid and I were friends or anything.

"Looks like I came at the wrong time, you're leaving." Sid said.

"Yeah, have to go study. You had anything important?" I asked.

"No, I just thought I'd pass by, anyway I'll see you later, go study." He smiled as he looked at Arnav in a really weird way, as if he dint like him or something.

"Khushi, we're getting late." Arnav said as he held my hand and pulled me with him to the car, he unlocked his car as we both got inside.

"Are you jealous?" I giggled as I looked at him, he was literally frowning. I had never seen Arnav get jealous before, it was cute.

"I am going to get real mad instead of jealous if you don't tell me what he was doing here." He looked at me strictly.

"Nothing, we just became friends so we kind of hang out sometimes."

"You became friends with your ex-boyfriend?" He looked at me in disbelief.

"What's wrong with that Arnav? He's just a friend, trust me."

"I trust you Khushi. It's just that you wanted this to work out, you wanted us to work out and now you're hanging out with a guy you were once dating, it kind of makes me insecure. I promised to help you but how do you want me to help you when you do stuff like this?"

"There's nothing going on between us Arnav, it's just friendship, trust me okay?"

"Fine, if you say so." He shrugged as he started the car and drove to college, he did seem really mad about this whole thing because he dint speak to me at all until we arrived.

He just bid me goodbye and headed to attend his class while I headed to attend mine, I dint want to make him feel insecure or anything and if me being friends with Sid was making him feel that way, I had to do something about it.

It was after ages that I fell for someone and I really wanted it to work, so I was going to do all it takes, I had promised him I would try my best to make us work and so I was going to do that.

I pulled my phone out of the pocket and dialed Sid's number.


"I thought you were going to study, what happened?" Sid asked as he walked inside my house, I came back from college and asked him to meet me so I could solve this mess I had created for myself.

"Yeah I went and then I decided to come back, we need to talk, sit down." I said as I tapped on the sofa, he walked towards me and sat down beside me.

"Talk about what?" He asked.

"About us. Look I appreciate what you did for me, you were there for me when I really needed someone but I don't really think that us being friends is a good idea."

"Why? Did your boyfriend tell you not to be friends with me?"

"No. that's the best thing about him, he never tells me what I should do and what I should and that is why I think this is for the best. He just doesn't like us being friends and I don't want to do anything that would hurt him."

"I understand Khushi, but I..."

"No buts please, I think you should leave now."

"You're making a hasty decision Khushi, I am the only close friend you have, what if you need someone to talk to and you don't have me, who would you talk to? I get it, you're doing this for him but there's other ways to do this." He said.

"Like what?"

"Just don't tell him we are friends. Tell him you ended our friendship, he doesn't have to know we are still friends."

"So you are telling me to lie to him?"

"What's wrong in lying if it's causing no harm to anyone? You know it Khushi, you clearly need me in your life, so the decision is up to you. If you want me to leave fine, I will but just think about it.

We can remain friends, Arnav doesn't have to know, and he would never find out unless you tell him or I tell him."

"I just don't feel like it's the right thing to do, I can't lie to him Sid."

"You're new to this relationship thing Khushi, you don't know much about it so let me tell you, you have to tell such little lies to keep it going, you can't always be honest. Anyway like I said, it's upon you, make the decision and let me know." He said as he stood up.

"Just know that not every day is going to be as perfect as today, one day you're going to need a shoulder to cry on and I am that shoulder for you." he walked away leaving me confused.

All this years, I had never really made any close friend that I could talk to about my problems or anything, Sid was the first person that I had kind of trusted and shared my problems with and I dint want to lose him, but I dint want to hurt Arnav because of him either.

I was really confused on what to do and what not to do. I really dint want to lie to Arnav, but I also dint want to lose Sid. What decision was I supposed to make here?

I dint want to make a mistake that could bring me in a situation where I'd lose Arnav, I loved him so much I would break if I lost him.

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