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Pure POV

The next day

Today's my real first day of working. I don't like sage to much. I'm pretty sure she thinks I want sails. That's not the case at all. Sails is to rude for me and plus I'm not his type. I'm pretty sure sails thinks I'm ugly. I'll have to ask but last time I checked he thought I was ugly.

I'm sitting in my room waiting for sails to come and get me. I hear him hunk and I get up and go to his car.

"Hi sails." I say smiling at him. He just nods for me to get in. He seems mad. Madder than usual.

"What's wrong?" I say looking at him.

"Everything mane." He says gripping the steering wheel.

"Tell me what's wrong." I say softly. He just mean mugs me.

"I'm tired of yo ass thinking we friends. This ain't that. You getting on my last nerve. Like everyone else. Your just so annoying." I know he's pissed but I didn't do anything. I just nod my head and look the other way. I thought we was friends but i guess not. I kinda wanna cry but I'm being strong.

We arrive at the store and I get out as quick as possible. I run into the store and go to the back room. I hear a door open and here comes this bitch sage.

"Listen here little girl." She says looking me up and down.

"No you listen. I say cutting her off. "I don't want Silas. He's your boyfriend not mine. He's not even my friend anymore. So leave me the fuck alone." I say tired of her bullying. I try not to mind it but today's not the day.

"I got some for you bitch." She says walking away. I walk out of the room and do my job till I get off at 5pm. I have no way home and I'm not asking Silas. So I just call my dad but before I could. A tall dark skin man comes up to me.

"Wussup with you shawty." He says giving me a smile. I scan him from head to toe. He's dark skin with nice curly hair. And pretty with teeth.


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"Hi." I say smiling at him shyly before I could get another word out Silas walks out. He looks me up and down then looks at the man.

"Wussup ronni." He says giving him some hand shake.

"Nah Wussup with yo new worker. She fine as hell." He says smiling at me. I smile back and put my head down. Silas scrunches up his face and looks at him.

"Nah off limits." He says looking at me. I look up at him like he crazy.

"Why tho?"He says eyeing me.

"Because I fucking said so. Now let's go pure." Silas says grabbing my hand leading me to his car. I snatch my hand away from him. I'm waiting on my dad so you can go. I say walking away but he grabs me again.

"Fuck you call him fo. Knowing I'm taking yo ass home huh?" He says getting in my face.

"We not friends remember? So don't worry bout me." I say pushing him.

"You mad over what I said earlier. With yo childish ass. Fine stay here for all I care. Ion got time to deal with yo shit anyway!" He says getting into his car slamming the door and driving off.

I stand by the store waiting for my dad whose 10 minutes away.

Sage POV (only for this once)

This bitch is going to get it. She thinks she can fuck with my man. She got another thing coming. I told 5 of my girls to meet me after to work hoping she was still there. I smirk when I see her alone. We all charge over to her and start beating her senseless.

"Bitch this will teach you." I say stomping her head. She begging and pleading for his to stop.

Pure POV

"Please stop." I tell the girls who are jumping me. It's like 6 of them and I can't see anything. All I feel is pain. I'm starting to get really dizzy. Everything is going black.


So do y'all like the book. Should I keep writing it. Yes no?

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