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The next day

Pure's cousin was coming over who she haven't seen in a while. She was happy to see him. When they were younger they where so close. Pure stoped seeing Leo because he was still seeing his ex. Pure thought it was funny because her and Silas wasn't talking because of Leo and they didn't even last.

She felt silly if she never would have went out with Leo they would never be like this.

Pure wanted Silas to come get Anyia so she could go out and catch up with Tim. Silas was running late. Tim got there before Silas.

"Tim you made it. I missed you so much." She says hugging him.

"Nah how you been? You look great sis." Tim was also gay. Very gay he had a whole husband. They where even thinking of adopting a little Asian baby.

"How's Bruce? Have y'all made the baby room yet ?" She says smiling can't wait for him to tell her the news about his life.

"Yes girl. We have to go pick up out baby Saturday. I'm so excited. You just don't know. Speaking of babies where is Anyia?" Time says smiling.

"Oh let me go and get her I'll be back." Pure says going to Anyia's room.

"Baby you wanna meet Tim? He's mommy Cousin." Anyia nods her head yes. Pure walks her to Tim and Tim almost falls out.

"Oh what's you name your so cute." He says holding her. All of a sudden pure hears the door bell ring she goes to answer it to see Silas.

"Wussup where Anyia -" Silas eyes goes black.

"Who the fuck is this Nigga holding my daughter. I'm bout to fuck you up on me. What the fuck I tell you about theses -" Pure cuts him off.

"What the fuck are you talking about he's -" Silas cuts her off and pushes her to the side.

"What the fuck Silas." Pure says falling to the ground. Silas didn't care he went straight to Anyia and grabs her from Tim.

"Don't touch my daughter bitch." He says putting her down and jawing Tim in the face.

"What the fuck Silas." Pure says making him turn towards her. "You need to calm the fuck down and let me-" Silas storms out the house with Anyia in his hands.

"So I'm guess he is your baby daddy? Well he had a mean upper cut." Tim says rubbing his jaw.

"Oh Tim I'm so sorry about that. I didn't know he would blow up like that." She says crying.

Her and Silas relationship was just down the drain. At this point they couldn't even be friends. Silas was out of control when it came to Anyia. Pure knew she had to clear the air with Silas.

She didn't like Silas attitude. He was getting aggressive..more than usual.


The next day

Silas was on 100. He was going off on any and everybody. He even blew up on little Anyia. He didn't mean to but she kept on saying she wants mommy. He didn't even wanna talk about pure. Right now he was so angry at pure. Then she tried to play it off like it was her family. He thought. He had one rule with pure. Never bring his daughter around other niggas. He thought. He would never bring her around any other female.

Silas had a thought. Since she brought Anyia around somebody. He would give her a taste of her own medicine.


Like my chapters. That's all I have to say

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