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Silas was going to meet Pure to go to their families place. Ronnie was also so going Silas didn't like him not one bit. He knocks on pure door to see her in her pjs with two bags in her hand rubbing her belly. He smiles at her and takes her bags. Ronnie sees this and speeds over and puts his hand around pure.

"Come on baby." He says leading her to Silas car.

"Where the fuck you going? You not riding in my shit." Silas says being petty. He wanted some alone time with pure and Ronnie just got in the way. In Silas mind Ronnie was just one obstacle he had to cross to get to pure.

"Come on Silas." Pure says looking at him with her arms crossed.

"Nah nigga ride in yo own shit but my baby mama riding with me." He says grabbing pure's hand.

"You gone let go My girl.Just because y'all having a baby don't mean shit. Who her boyfriend Nigga? I win." Ronnie says smirking at Silas.

"Yes the fuck it do. Nigga she having my whole kid. You think she gone stay around -" Pure cuts Silas off before be could say some reckless.

"Hey hey! Didn't I tell y'all both not to start this. Look Ronnie drive your car down there and follow behind Silas. I'll ride with Silas." Silas look at Ronnie with a smirk. Pure can't see him because he's behind her.

"Mane this some bullshit. You pick this nigga over me?" Ronnie says stepping towards Silas ,but pure gets in between them.

"I'm not picking anyone. Listen my family knows Silas. They don't know you. Please Ronnie." She says trying to keep the two from fighting.

"Ight." Ronnie felt mad because in his mind pure was picking Silas. Maybe Silas was right and as soon as the baby was born. Pure would leave Ronnie for him.

"Silas can you be a little nicer to Ronnie. Please for me." Pure says giving him the puppy dog eyes. Silas couldn't resist that face. He thought she was cute cute.

"But baby mama." Silas says crossing his arms. "I don't want to. He stole you away from me." She rolls her eyes.

"Silas I was never yours in the first place. How was it you put it back then? Oh yea. We just fucked." Silas covers her mouth.

"You can't say that. Your special to me. Your having my child and you have a special place in my heart. Yes we did have sex but it was more than that. I know at the time I had a girlfriend,but I was planning on leaving her for you. I just never got the chance." Silas says letting go of her mouth.

"Oh um let's go Silas." Pure says getting into his car. Silas knew getting Pure was going to be a challenge but he didn't care. His feelings ran deep for the mother of his unborn child and his baby.

They arrive at pure's dad house first. Silas doesn't want to tell her dad. Silas was real close to pure's father and he got his daughter pregnant. He was so sure he was going to deck him clean in his face.

"Silas are you okay?" Pure says holding his hand.

"Oh uh yea. Let's go." Silas says getting out the car.

Pure knocks on her door and her father answers.

"Oh my baby girl." Pure's father says hugging her. He sees Silas and instantly let's go of pure.

"Silas I missed you." He says hugging Silas tighter than he was hugging pure.

"Your kidding right?" Pure says in disbelief. It be your own father. About 5 minutes letter Ronnie comes pure's dad looks at him.

"Who the fuck is you?" He says mugging him.

"Martin this Ronnie. Pure's bitch ass boyfriend." Silas says and Ronnie glared at him.

"Uh nice to meet you sir." Ronnie says putting out his hand to matin but Martin doesn't take it.

"Dad we have to talk let's go inside." Pure says going inside the house. Everyone sits and pure stands in front of them.

"Well um dad. Im pregnant." Martin quickly jumps up and goes for Ronnie. He thought Ronnie got her pregnant because he was introduced as her boyfriend.

"Bitch you got my babygirl pregnant." He says decking Ronnie.

"No I'm not the father." Ronnie says holding his face.

"Wait a minute if your not the father. Then." Matin quickly turns towards Silas.

"Silas why are you here. Please don't tell me-" Silas cuts him off.

"It's my baby... I got pure pregnant." He says looking down at the ground.

"I don't like this one bite pure,but I'm glad Silas is the father." Everyone snaps their heads at Martin.

"But of course Silas I still have to hit you in yo shit for getting her pregnant." Silas just nods his head feeling Martin punch him. He knew he deserved it.

"Ight silas you took it like a man. I can't say the same for pure's bitch ass boyfriend over there." Ronnie snaps his head up still holding his face.

"Wait so if silas is the father then why are you with him." Martin says pointing towards Ronnie.

"Dad stop it." Pure says going over to Ronnie.

"Let's get you cleaned up."

"No I'll do it you stay here and tend the Silas." Martin says winking at him.

"Come on." Martin says to Ronnie. Pure goes towards Silas and looks at his eye.

"Aye I thought he was going to do worst." Pure says smirking at Silas.

"Shit u thought I'd be dead. Okay now you have to get ready for my family." Silas says looking worried.

"Don't worry we'll be fine." She says holding his hand and smiling at him.

"I know baby." Pure looks up at him and he leans in. He kisses her lips gently but she pulls away.

"We can't do this Silas." She says getting up.

"I know but I really don't care." He stands up and kisses her and she kisses back. They hear a door giggle and pull apart. Ronnie and Martin comes back and look at an out of breath pure.

"You okay babe?" Pure just nods her head and goes to the bathroom. Pure can't believe she let her self fall for that.


And I Oop. This the only chapter y'all getting today so enjoy. I'm about to edit. 🤣

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