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Silas wanted pure to come with him and Anyia out to dinner. They would have one every month because Silas Convinces her every month. He still considered them a little family even though their not together anymore.

"Baby mama. Come out with my and ya daughter." Silas says through the phone. Anyia sleeping next to him.

"Silas when?" She says painting her nails.

"Mmmh how about tomorrow. I'll pick you up huh ?" He says sitting up.

"Mmmh I'll think about it Silas." Silas kisses his teeth.

"Nah you coming out with me and Anyia and that's final." Silas says FaceTime her. She picked up the FaceTime call.

"You so damn pretty." Silas says admiring her. Silas has been ducking with pure since she was 17. Pure was now 23 and grew more into her looks. She's not even that skinny no more. She had a little ass thanks to Silas and eating good.

"Thank you baby daddy." She says smiling.

"Take out the baby part." Silas says smirking and looking at the mother of his child.

"Nah you good. How my baby doing though?" Silas gets up away from Anyia and goes to the bathroom.

"She good. Silas says licking his lips.

"Where you going?" Pure asks sitting up.

"Bathroom. What you doing though." Silas said while closing the door.

"I don't know. I think I'm about to get back on the dating sense. I'm tired of being lonely." Pure says sighing.

"Pure you don't need a nigga. If you want sex I'll be happy to give it to you." Silas says washing his hands.

"Silas you be fucking everybody. I don't wanna-" Silas cuts her off.

"Nah I don't. Shut the fuck up. You never know. what you talking about. Ima call you tomorrow. " he says hanging up on her leaving a shocked pure.


Silas goes to pick pure up and she runs out to the car.

"Hey mamas baby." Pure says smiling at Anyia.

"Hi mommy I missed you. Daddy miss you too. He said he wanna love on youuu mommy." Pure looks at Silas crazy.

"I know you didn't say that to her." Pure says looking at him.

"No mommy he was talking to his friend on phone. He said he wanna-" Silas cuts her off.

"Uh uh baby hush up. Don't snitch on daddy." Silas says putting his finger where is mouth is and Anyia copies him.

"Okay daddy I won't tell her how you want mommy back." She says giggling.

"Uhh let's go." Silas say awkwardly trying not to look at pure. Silas cant believe his child would snitch like that on him.

Silas goes to ihop and they get out. Silas puts his arms around pure.

"Mmh you smell so good." He says. "I bet you would taste even better." Silas says where only she could get him. "I wanna eat yo pussy again Pure. I miss the taste." Silas says whispering in her ear.

"Daddy what y'all talking about? Me wanna know. You said we have no secrets." Anyia says pouting.

"I'm talking about how I wanna eat dessert after I drop you off st my moms place." Silas says smiling and picking her up.

"Silas... your wild as hell." Pure says. She was turned on. Silas was freaky as hell and when they dated she could never handle him.

They sit down and a waitress comes and takes their Oder.

"Hi welcome to ihop -" she stops and looks at Silas then she looks around to the little girl and pure.

"Hi Silas." She says smiling at him. Silas just stays quiet.

"So you gone pretend like you don't know me? Aw this must be yo lul girlfriend.who the little girl?" The girl says staring.

"Mane... don't make me act a fool in front of my daughter.silas said mugging the girl. The girls eyes go big. She never knew Silas has kids.

"Wait So is that yo baby mama?" Pure clears her throat.

"No I'm not doing this Silas. You better get whoever this is out my face. I don't have time for this."

"Who you talking to bi-" Silas cuts her off.

"That word bet not come out yo fucking mouth." Silas hears a small gasp.

"Daddy said bad word. Can I say fuck?" Anyia says.

"No baby don't say that." Silas says sighing. This why he don't cus around her. She repeat everything you say. She a little copy cat.

"Come on pure for I say sum to hurt this bitch feeling." Silas says picking up Anyia and leaving the ihop.

"Look I'm sorry about that back there.. I swear Ian know -"

"It's okay Silas. I don't care. She just wasn't about to disrespect me. Like all I gota do is snap my finger and I can have you eating -" she looks back at Anyia. "Eating my cake." Pure says finishing choosing not to say what she was going to say.

"Pure what makes you so sure of that." Silas says laughing. Even know Silas knew he wanted to fuck and eat pure's pussy again.

"Nigga I know you plus you said it before we went into I hop. You love you some pure." Pure says smiling.

"To bad you can't act right and is a hoe." Pure says sighing. She wish Silas and her could be together again but she knew he was just wild.

"Daddy is a hoe? Daddy you a hoe!" Anyia says yelling at Silas.

"Anyia don't say that word. Yo daddy ain't no hoe." Silas says talking to Anyia and mugging pure. Pure just laughs.

"Mane you just waiting on me to take you back. That's why you been single for so long." Silas says sure of himself.

"Nigga please I could have someone by tomorrow." Silas just out laughing.

"I would like to see that pure."


Anyia bad as hell 😂. She needs to sit down.

Anyway how y'all like the story ?

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