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Pure hasn't talk to Silas for about a week. She didn't even see him. Silas thought it was best to stay away from her. He needed sometime to cool off. He knew he would have to be around her today because it was Anyia's birthday. Anyia was turning 4.

Silas had to be cordial for the sake of his daughter.

"Anyia come on in here." Anyia stomped in with her arms crossed.

"Why you mad fo little girl ?" Silas says pulling out 4 bags full of presents. Her eyes go wide and she starts to jump all over the place.

"Daddy daddy is all that for me ?" She says smiling and running over to one of the bags.

"Nah it's for the eater bunny." Silas says laughing.

"What but is it his birthday too ?" She says pouting.

"Nah baby it's for you." Silas says laughing harder. His little girl was a character.

"Yay can I open them ?" Silas nods his head and brings her one bag and empty them on the floor.

Silas knew he spoiled Anyia. He gave her anything she wanted and after this he was still going to take her shopping for 5 more pair of shoes. Silas had money to spend and he wanted to spend it on Anyia. He had none else to do.

"Daddy daddy can we go get my shoes after this bag. I wanna wait till I get home from mommy house to open rest." She says standing up.

"Yea let's go get you them shoes." He says taking her hand and going to the car.


They arrive at foot locker and Silas told Anyia to go pick some shoes she want. A lady came and smiled at him.

Silas asks an sales lady for a shoe and she asks him a weird ass question.

"Is that your nice or some? Maybe sister?" The girl asks eyeing him and Anyia. Silas scrunches up his face.

"Nah she my daughter. Why the fuck you ask ?" He says looking at her like she crazy.

"Oh um are you still with the baby mama or some ?" She says smiling.

"Nah you gone have to shut the fuck up. Now my daughter needs this in a toddler size 2. Don't ask about my life." Silas says pulling up his pants.

Silas brings all the shoes up to the desk. The same girl was there.

"Listen I'm sorry about earlier. Let me make it up to you by taking you out to dinner." The girls says smiling at Silas. Anyia mugs her.

"Uh no. You can't talk to my daddy. You not as pretty as my mommy. You ugly b-bitch." Silas start to laugh. He needs to stop cussing around her. She even knew how to use to word right.

"Anyia what I tell you about cussing." Silas says laughing. The girl is just mugging the little girl.

"Nah but for real bitch. Ring up my shit and get the fuck out my face. Ion want yo bean head ass." Silas says handing her the money and taking his shoes. He would stop cussing starting tomorrow.

"Keep the change broke bitch." He says walking out the store with the bags and his daughter. He peeps Anyia sticking her tongue out at the girl.

Silas had to go over to pure's place because that's where the party for Anyia was at. It was time for him to put his anger aside for one day for their daughter.

Silas had to go pick someone up for Anyia party. He meant what he said. Pure was going to be hurting since he made him hurt. Silas wasn't so sure this was the best idea but he was still going through with it.

I wonder what's going to happen at the party y'all ?

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