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The next day morning time

Pure wakes up wrapped in a pair of muscular arms. She lifts the cover to find Silas is very naked under and so is she. They must have feel to sleep from all that ... messing around. Pure couldn't wrap her head around Silas sleeping with her. She can't believe he slept with her. She looks over at him and he's still sleep. Pure gets up and puts Silas's shirt on.

She goes to the bathroom to see her neck covered with dark purple hickies. Silas knew what he was doing putting them all over neck. He wanted Ronnie to see them and she knew it. She storms back in the room and hits Silas on the stomach. He jumps up.

"Fuck you hitting me for?" He says looking at her with a mug.he takes a look at her and sees she had his shirt on and smirked.

"Why did you put all theses hickies on my neck? How am I spouse to hide all theses. You knew what you were doing." In Silas mind all he could hear pure say was blah blah blah. He thought she looked cute when mad.

"Shut yo cute ass up and ride my dick." He says taking the cover off reviling his already hard member. He got hard watching her go off on him.

"S-Silas um what ?" She says looking anywhere but him he pulls her over to him. He puts his hand on her Pusey and starts to finger her.

"Uh Mmh. Should we be-be doing this?" She says holding his arm. Silas lays down and pure climbs on top of him. She sits on his dick. She feels a little weird with him watching her like he is. Silas takes his shirt off and tossed it to the side so he can see pure's whole body.

"Fuck pure." He says biting his lips looking up at her. Pure starts to move up and down. Silas likes that she trying but she's not going fast enough for him. Silas grabs her hips and starts moving her up and down his shaft. Silas bust inside of her realizing he didn't have a condom on.

"Shit pure." He pulls out of her. She looks down seeing his cum come out of her.

"I'll buy you the morning after pills." He says getting up and going to the bathroom.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up."he says. Pure try's to get up but falls down.

30 minutes later.

They both took a shower together and well fucked again. Silas liked the feeling of beginning inside pure. In the shower he didn't wear a condom again. His thinking was. "Im going to buy you the morning after pill anyways. So what the point." Pure just went along with it. Loving the feeling of Silas fucking her raw. They're now at Silas's place eating cereal.

"Silas.." he looks up st her away from his phone.

"Yes?" He can see she had a sad look on her face.

"Are you still with moni..." she trials off. Silas didn't want to lie to her but at the same time he didn't want her to think she was some sort of side or a hoe for fucking him when he had a girlfriend. Silas was going to break it off with moni but in this moment he truly didn't know what to do.

"Uh well yea kinda of .." he says putting his hand behind his neck.

"Oh." Is all Pure says looking away from him.

"But ima break up with her. It's not working out ya know?" he says hoping she wouldn't be mad.

"I feel dirty." She says getting up but he catches her hand.

"Aye shut the fuck up yo. Why you saying that?"

"No Silas! You shut up. You knew you was still seeing moni and fucked me anyway. Your none but a hoe beuh." Silas start to laugh.

"Me a hoe? Wasn't you the one who asked me to fuck you?! So shut the fuck up putting all the blame on me. We both did what we did. I said I was breaking up with her now didn't I?!" He says getting in her face.

"Nah you don't have to do anything. Stay the fuck away from me." She try's to leave but Silas grabs her arms.

"You know what I would be happy to. Your nun but a fucking little girl who doesn't know what she wants." He says glaring at her.

"Fuck you silas." Silas just smirks.

"You already did unless you wanna do it again?" He says smirking. She try's to slap him but he catches her hand.

"Leave now before I hurt yo feelings lul girl." He says holding her hand tighter.

"Ouch let me go." He dragged her to the door.

"Let's agree to stay the fuck away from each other. He's says putting her out.

"A fucking greed." She says as he slams the door in her face she walks off.

Little did they both know what the future had in stored for them. All that arguing made them forget something very important but it Will soon come back up to bite them in the ass.


I update this book at least 5 times a day. For the people who read it y'all real ones.

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