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Silas and pure have been living together now for about two weeks. Pure loves being under Silas. Silas is none thing but a big baby to pure. He showers her with gifts and affection.

"Silas we need a baby room." Pure says while looking at Rick and morty.

"Yea we do don't we... the baby's coming in 3 months. Shit our baby is coming in 3 months." Silas says in disbelief. Silas couldn't believe how fast pure pregnancy went. He was a little scared at the same time.

"Do you think we're ready?" Pure says looking at a worried Silas.

"Ready or not she's coming. I'm just in shock that I created a little human. Shii I put in that work." Silas says smacking pure's ass. She winced.

"What did I tell you about hitting me on my ass bruh." Pure says rubbing her butt.

"I'm sorry baby. Let me rub it for you." Silas says pulling her closer and rubbing her butt.

"Stop it." Pure starts to giggle but Silas kisses her neck.


Silas decided to go see his sister with pure for them to talk out their differences. He wanted them to be cool for the sake of Anyia. Silas wanted his baby to know her ant. He knew pure wouldn't keep the baby away from Tammy but their would be tension.

Silas finally gets to red lobster and helps pure out. Pure would wobble because her belly was so big. Silas thought it was so cute. She couldn't even tie her shoes. He would always have to do it for her. He liked to see her cute little struggle.

Silas walks in and sees Tammy sitting there on her phone. Tammy looks up to see a very pregnant pure. She still couldn't believe Silas of all people got her pregnant. How the two use to be at each others neck. She would have thought they hated each other. She was really out of the loop on Silas's life.

"Wussup Tammy." Silas says sitting down and pure sitting down next to him.

"Hello Silas and ... pure." She says pausing before saying her name.

"Hi Tammy." Pure says quietly.

"Look y'all gota get back cool." Silas says sighing. "What happen between y'all was a lul minute ago and Tammy you just holding on to none. I love pure and -" Tammy looks at him shocked. She knows her big brother and he has never loved any girl outside her and their mother.

"You love her ?" Tammy says in disbelief. "Silas I didn't know." Tammy says still in shock. "Your not the type to love girls... your a player and a heart breaker. I know Pure you would literally-" Silas cuts her off.

"Tammy you don't know me like you think you do. Listen I do love pure and I wouldn't do none to hurt her." Silas says to his sister. Pure is just quietly listening to the both of them go back a forth.

"Tammy I'm willing to dead it. That's if you are willing also?" Pure says finally getting tired of the two going back and forth. "I want my child to know you. I think you would be a cool ant." Pure says smiling st Tammy. "At one point and time you were my Best friend." Pure says sighing thinking back to the good old days.

"Your right. I'm willing to start over. A year ago I was stupid and just wanted to fit in.. im sorry pure and Silas. I want to be in the child's life." Tammy says giving up her petty gorge against pure finally.

Silas is happy pure and Tammy are happy.

"That's great.now let's eat a nigga hungry. I gota put some food in Pure so my baby can eat.aint that right Anyia?" He says talking to pure's stomach.

"Silas get yo ass up." Pure says smacking the back of his head.

"Don't touch me with yo over sized man hands Pure." Silas says mugging her. "I'll talk to my daughter if I want to." He says facing away from her. Tammy is just observing the two. Silas really dose seem to be in love.


Just s little filler chapter ya know. Some to keep y'all good till the juicy stuff comes 🥰.

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