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Pure was going to prove Silas wrong. She didn't care if he was getting butt hurt. Pure didn't know where to start with finding someone other than Silas. She didn't want anyone other than Silas. They had a complicated relationship. She was really joking but Silas took her serious.

Silas had come and to bring Anyia to her since it was her week. She was happy to be with her little girl.

"Silas can you do me a favor?" She says taking her baby from him.

"Yeah wussup." Silas says pulling his pants up.

"Can you put me on with yo friend Leo." Pure says smiling st him knowing he was about to cuss her out. Instead he did some unexpected.

"Yea I think Leo and you would be cute. Ima set it up." Silas says smiling at pure.

"Wait what? I mean yea thanks Silas..." she says trailing off.

"Yes it's whatever you know I look out for my baby mama. Ima give him yo number." He says giving Pure a hug.

"I mean thanks..." she say pulling away.

"Yea I'll see ya latter." Silas smirks at her.

Silas knew she would take it far. So he agreed and gave Leo her number. He knew they would never actually go on a date. Pure was just doing that to make him jealous.

4 months later
Me and Leo was have been seeing each other for about 4 months. I'm not really into him like that but I'm trying to prove a point to Silas. He's mad annoying. He stay asking me stuff.

"Wussup baby mama." Silas says coming in holding Anyia in his hand.

"Hi Silas." He says putting my ear rings on getting ready for my date with Leo.

"Where you going?" He says putting a sleeping Anyia down in my bed.

"Just on a date with Leo."He says getting up. He holds out his hand.

"Wow wow. You still seeing him? I thought you would have been done by now? Y'all serious or some shit?" He says growing his face up.

"Why are you so worried about it?" Pure say going around him grabbing my shoes.

"Ian really worried about it mane.. just be carful and you know the number one rule right ?" He says crossing his arms.

"Uhhh ion know?" Pure says moving away from Silas.

"Don't fucking play with me about my seed pure. I swear on me you bet not have that Nigga round my daughter." Silas says pushing her a little. Pure is taken back.

"First of all don't put yo hands on me Silas. I didn't plan on that. You need to chill out for real." Pure says pushing him a little.

"Nah you not about to put yo hands on me Pure. You better be happy you my baby mama and -" Pure cuts him off.

"Silas you getting on my last nerves."Pure says.

"Nah you blowing me. That's why I can't be with yo childish ass. You just ugh fucking bitchy all the time and I just can't deal with you. The only reason why I still fuck with you is because you the mother of my child. I swear if you wasn't that I would be around yo childish ass!" Silas says yelling in pure's face. Pure eyes start to water.

"Oh yea give me this back." Silas says snatching the neckless he gave her a few days after Anyia was born. Pure touched her neck in shock. That neckless was special and engraved with all their names on it with a heart. Silas had spent a pretty penny on it.

She didn't know Silas felt that way about her. She felt so sad and relieved that she knew how he really felt.

"Well know I now how you really feel.. just take Anyia and leave. Since she's the only reason you want to be around me. Let's keep it straight about her. Don't call text or even open yo mouth if it's not about her. I won't ask about you. You won't ask about me." Silas face saddens.

"Pure you know -" she cuts him off.

"Can you leave now. I'll pick Anyia up after dinner. And I won't have her around him." Pure puts her shoes on and leaves out the house the meet Leo.

Pure was determined to never talk to silas unless it was about their daughter. Like he said the only reason he dealt with her was because she had Anyia.


I'm not sorry it took me so long to update 🤷🏽‍♀️. Y'all don't comment or like. So for the people who don't ima just take even longer to update. Y'all better get to liking 🤣. I'm not playing. I'll make y'all wait 2 whole weeks.

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