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Sails POV

I drive home mad as hell. Pure really got me fucked up. I really want to tell her about her self. Not tonight though. I drive home and get out. I get a call from pure's dad.

"Wussup -" I hear him crying. "Hey what's wrong ?" I ask worrying.

"P-pure is hurt really bad. She's nearly breathing." My heart just stops.

"Where are you?!" I yell going right back to my car.

"We at the hospital. It's bad sails real bad. She has two swollen eyes. She had to get stitches. Her mouth busted open. Who would do this to my baby girl." He says crying into the phone.

"I don't know Mane. I'm on my way." I say hanging up. Going as fast as I can to the hospital.

I Made it to the hospital checked in went straight to her room. I see her laying there. Her pretty face with bruises all over it. Her eyes swollen shut.

"Who the fuck did this shit." I say going over to her and holding her hand.

"You gota wake up for me." I say kissing her hand. Ian no emotional ass nigga but this hitting home. I don't like this shit and when I find out who did. They paying I swear on me. They could have killed her.

"Hey are y'all the family of pure Gunn?" The doctor walks in and says. Her father nods his head yes.

"She has a brain injury,but she'll be fine. She just needs rest. We induced a coma so she'll wake up soon. In about a week or so." I just held on to her hand tighter. I'm pissed off.

"Do y'all have any idea who would do this?" We both shake our head no.

I feel terrible. I feel like this is completely my fault. If I just would have made her get into the car with me. She wouldn't be so fucked up right now. I feel as if I let her down.

I get a call from sage and I answer.

"What." I say going out of the room.

"Are you okay baby?" She asks sighing. Sounding out of breath and shaky.

"No I'm not okay. Pure is in the hospital. I swear who ever did this shit is going to pay."

"Oh u-um do they have in clues?" She asks kind of shaky.

"Nah but they better hope the cops find them before me." I say through gritted teeth.

"I um I have to go bye." She says hanging up on me.

One hour later.

Sage comes to the hospital and I look at her like she crazy.

"Fuck you doing here?" I say standing up out the chair.

"Well me and her got close the days she worked. I wanted to check on her and you." She says holding up some flowers. She kisses my check and I just nod my head. Some don't seem right.

"So does she remember anything ?" She says looking at pure who is still sleep.

"She hasn't woke up yet. She doesn't wake up until a week. That's what the doctors says."

"So she wont remember what happen right?" She asks kind of shaky.

"Why the fuck you so worried bout it? You kno sum?" I say getting up.

"You kno I love you right?" She says trying to come up to me but I back away and mean mug her.

"Ion even love you bitch. Now tell me why the fuck you so worried bout her memory.

"I did it for us .me and you. She was getting to close and I was afraid that she was going to steal you away." She says busting out crying.

"Yo I swear on me. If you wasn't no female I would hurt you. It's ight you got some coming get the fuck out of here." I say trying not to be loud.

"But -But bab-"

"Now !" She hurry's out the room. I call out my cuz and tell her I need a favor. I might can't put my hands on no female but I know someone who will.

I changed sails and the books cover 🥰

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