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3 months later

Pure was 13 weeks pregnant. She still hasn't told Silas yet. Her and Ronnie are now going out and Silas is very much single. Pure has been official with Ronnie for about 2 months now. He wasn't joking about breaking up with moni. He wasn't feeling her and he was still in his feelings over his big falling out with pure. Ronnie knew pure was having Silas's baby. He didn't like that but he was deeply in love with pure. He's never said it out loud to her but he was.

Ronnie wasn't going to leave Pure in her time of need. He knew he had to stick by pure.

"So are yo thinking of names?" Ronnie asked pure while she was rubbing her belly while looking into her phone

"I don't know... I think I want to give him or her up for adoption. I can't handle a baby I'm to young." She says looking down at her belly sadly. Pure knew she still had to tell Silas she was having his baby. She was afraid though. She hasn't spoken to him since their big fight after he took her virginity. Pure was mad because as soon as she lost her virginity she got pregnant. She thought it was a way of god punishing her for being so stupid and forgetting a condom twice.

"Plus I still have to tell you know who." She says looking for Ronnie's reaction. She knew he didn't like Silas for many reasons. Pure and Ronnie never did anything beyond kissing. She just wasn't ready to give her body up to anybody else.

"Well maybe you don't have to tell him." Ronnie says looking at her belly.

"Know how would you feel if someone was carrying your baby and not told you?" He just crosses his arms and grumbled.

"I mean I would be pissed off but get over it eventually." Pure starts to laugh. She stops when Lacey walks into their dorm.

Ronnie got real quiet. Him and Lacey has been fucking on the low. Ronnie felt guilty for cheating on Pure with someone who stayed So close to her. Pure wants putting out and Lacey was just sum to fuck on till she was ready.

"Hey Ronnie." She says smirking st him. He nods his head.

"So your just going to ignore me ?" Pure says rolling her eyes. She didn't like Lacey. She thought she was sneaky and she didn't like how she eyed her boyfriend all the time.

"Oh hi pure." She says rolling her eyes.

"Anyway Ronnie I have to go so come on." She says grabbing his arm. She didn't want her nowhere near her man. She really had no clue that they was fucking at least twice a day.

"Bye Lacey." Pure says waking her and Ronnie our the door. Ronnie gives Pure a kiss before going his separate way. He was just going to wait till Pure leaves then go back upstairs and fuck Lacey.

Silas has been in his feeling for 3 months. He's literally been fucking everything. He's not stupid he wraps up his dick. The only person he ever fucked raw was pure. He's smoking a blunt and watching rick and morty when he hears his door bell ring he gets up to answer when he sees pure at the door.

"Hey." He says dropping his blunt. Damn he thought nobody better be fucking pure. (If you drop the blunt somebody fucking yo bitch.) for the people that don't know.

"We need to talk.." she says taking him in for the first time in 3 months.

"Yea come in." He says moving in so she could come in. Silas was high as hell.

"Silas I have something very important to tell you." He nods his head sitting down on his couch.

"Well umm -uh I'm pregnant." He's eyes almost go out omg is head when she said that.

"I-is it mine?" She straight faces him.

"Yes Silas.your the only person I ever slept with." She says rolling her eyes.

"Damn so you carrying my seed in you?" He says smiling to himself.

"Yes but I want to give him or her up for adoption." She says trialing off.

"Nah we keeping it. So dead all that shit." Silas says getting up. Silas wasn't about to argue with her over his unborn child. They was gone take care of him/her. They're baby was gone be straight regardless.

"Silas I'm still young and in collage I want to -" he cuts her off

"You was grown enough to be fucking, so you grown enough to have the baby." Pure feels defeated. Deep down she knows Silas will win and she didn't want to give her baby up.

"Fine Silas I'll have the baby and we'll co-parent."she says not feeling like arguing anymore will Silas. Pure knew he would be s good father and she'll be okay.

Pure was 18 now since her birthday had passed some months ago and Silas he was 22 and having his first child. He had to call his sister to tell her the news. He knew she wouldn't like the fact that her old Bestfriend was his baby mama.

"Shit ima be there for all the shit. I can't wait to have this baby with you Pure." He says getting up smiling and hugging her.

"Yes, but you have to chill I have a boyfriend so this will be strictly just about the baby. I will un -block your number." Silas straight faces her.

"Who yo nigga? He kno I'm the baby father. What nigga wants someone who having some other nigga baby." He says mugging. Silas didn't like pure having a boyfriend especially since she was having his baby. In Silas mind pure was his and this child just proved it more.

"Ronnie and yes he knows I'm pregnant by you and a nigga who wants to be with me." She says glaring at him.

"You bet not be fucking him with my baby in you mane. I swear on everything-" she cuts him off.

"I'm not fucking anyone with my child in me. Plus it's none of your concern Silas." She says crossing her arms.

"Mane Ion want that nigga around my seed when it's born." He says sitting down crossing his arms mugging. "But I know you won't be with him by the time that happens." She looks at him like he crazy.

"And why is that?" She says getting up.

"Because by the time my baby is born you will be with the father of him or her." He says smiling really believing he was right. Pure bust out laughing whipping the smirk off his face. He mugs her.

"Fuck your laughing for ?its true. You gone be my baby that's having my baby. Morethen you already are. We just gone make it official."

"In your dreams Silas. Look I'll see you later I have to meet my boyfriend. she say putting Enthesis on boyfriend. "I'll text you the next appointment for the baby. She walks out the door.

Pure was still in shock that she was having Silas baby. If you would have told her this in the past she would have laughed at you and kept it pushing. They never really got along and it's crazy what the future holds. Silas on the other hand. He was determined to get pure to be his. It's crazy because they never even dated.


Hello lovey people who read my book 😉.
It's a shock that Silas got her pregnant isn't it. Kekek I know I'm eveil.

Follow me on sc asvpmiracle

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