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3 months later.

Pure's about ready to pop. It's been 9 long months and pure's belly is as big as it can be. It looks kind of weird because pure's so short and skinny. Silas can't wait for his baby girl to arrive. He already bought her a bunch of clothes and little baby shoes.

"Pure where you at ?" Silas yells trying to show her what he bought. Silas even set up the crib like a month ago. He bought a milk maker and all. Pure comes wobbling out.

"Yes silas?" Pure says eyeing the stuff in his hands.

"Awe mane what did you buy this time." Pure rolls her eyes. Every time silas goes to the store he brings some for the baby. Silas goes to the store a lot.

"Well I got her some more clothes and a food maker. I forgot what they called it but it's sum fancy shit. I know she can't fit in the until later but baby Jordan's. I couldn't resist." Silas goes on and on about what he bought their baby. Pure thinks it's cute because he really can't wait to be a father.

"That's so cute silas. Your just wasting money though." He gives her a sad pout.

"Mane shut that shit up. Ian never wasting money when it comes to my child. Yo big bottle head ass never spend money on her." He says getting a little upset with pure.

"I mean I don't have to because you buy so much silas." She says crossing her arms looking at him.

"Blah blah blah suck my dick pure." Silas says walking away. Pure hits him on the back of the head while he passes.

"Stop playing with me Pure. You always hitting a Nigga." He says rubbing the back of his head.

"Well-" Before she could say anything she feels like she has to pee and a lot of water came down. "I'm silas I think my water broke." Silas looks up in shocked.

"Thank god I thought yo ass peed yo self." Silas says grabbing her and running to the car.

"Why the fuck would I pee myself. You sound slow." Pure says getting mad as sails puts her in the car.

"I don't know Pure you tell me." Silas say getting into the driver side.

"Call our folks." Silas says giving her the phone.

Pure calls her dad first.

"Daddy I'm having the baby so come to the hospital." Pure says breathing really hard.

"I'm on my way babygirl." Her dad says hanging up. Pure's dad couldn't believe his baby was about to have a baby. He was still a little mad at Silas for getting his little girl pregnant. He really did think they didn't like each other.

Pure calls Silas's mom next.

"Hey Janet Yea I'm having the baby so where at the hospital tell the rest of them. K bye." Pure says hanging up.

"Shiii I can't wait for you to have this baby.... so we can have sex." Pure looks over at him and hits him.

"Nigga what." She says laughing at his childish ass.

"I mean I'm excited about my baby coming yes. But a nigga haven't had sex in 9 months... my balls hurt." Silas says while Pure was still laughing. Pure has had sex even since that Night Silas took her virginity.

"Who said we was having sex though ?" Pure says taking deep breath as the contractions came.

"Uhh me." Silas says driving a little faster.


Silas finally made it to the hospital and the doctors bring out a gurney and out pure on it. They rushed pure back so fast Silas ass tripped trying to follow them. He hopped right back up and went after them.

"I'm coming Damn." He says running behind them. They give Silas some scrubs so he can go in the room with pure.

7 hours later.

Silas was about to pass out because he is witnessing pure push a baby out. At that very moment he was very glad he was a boy and wouldn't have to have babies.

7 long hours their baby was finally born. At 10:37 pm. Pure is holding her in her arms.

"Hi Anyia kaden." Kaden was Silas's last name. He smiled.

"Can I hold her?" She passed the baby to Silas and he started to cry. She has never seen him cry he was just so emotional at his Beautiful baby girl.

"We did so good

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"We did so good. Like we should really have another one." Silas says looking down at his baby.

"Silas I will never ever have another baby. If you want a another baby you better get to looking for another baby mama." Pure says sleepily.

"Hell nah. You having all my kids and that's on me." Pure just rolls her eyes.

" Yea right."

Almost to 10k that's crazy since I wrote this book 4 days ago lol 🤣

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