My best friend

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Larry Nicolas Bourgeois aka my best friend is hot. Of course I know this but it's kinda hard to just wanna be friends with him. I love him to death but he's a complete fuck boy and it really makes me jealous sometimes.

Larry: Come on belle!

He jumped into the pool and splashed the three innocent girls standing near the edge taking her in with him.

Avery: Larr- AH!

He lifted his head out of the and flipped his twist laughing and clapping.

Avery: Larry!

Larry: Yessss?
He smiled his innocent bunny smile.

Avery: You just gotta little something

Larry: Huh? Where?

I splashed him until he was drenched

Larry: Mercy! Mercy! AH-

Avery: that's what I thought 🙃.

Larry: I'll be rightttt back. I see Nicole.

He got out of the pool and went inside to flirt with Nicole. Typical Larry behavior to add another girl to his list of achievements. He makes my heart hurt when he does this but I wouldn't dare tell him. He gets to defensive and I don't wanna lose him because of my feelings.

Lau: Where is Larry?

Avery: Inside..

Lau: You okay? You've been off lately?

Avery: I'm fine I think I'm catching something.

Lau: The flu?

He stepped back dramatically and giggled a bit.

Avery: *mumbles* feelings.

Lau: Huh?

Avery: I said maybe

Lau: Come I want you to meet my friend he wants to talk to you.

Laurent was like my lovable, fun, thrill seeking older brother. He was a lot more laid back on what I did. Don't get me wrong he cares 100% about my safety he just was a little looser than Larry.

Avery: Oh sure

I stepped out of the pool and Laurent led me to these group of teenage boys. The we're playing a serious game of beer pong. In that group of boys one approached me. His name was Justin. He was a light skinned tall boy with light brown eyes and curly hair. He was on the basketball team with Larry and Laurent. I've always seen him around but never has he spoken to me.

Justin: Hey Avery. You know... I wouldn't expect to see you at a party like this.

Did he just call me boring?

Avery: What is that supposed to mean?

My eyebrow lifted and I looked at him funny. He lightly chuckled and threw his hand up holding a cup filled with beer in one hand.

Justin: Hey. All I'm saying is I never see you have any fun. Maybe it's time for that to change?

Guys: Yeaaaaa

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