You're okay

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Larry: it's been 3 hours... and she's still not up.

Lau: Larry the doctor said she was fine she's breathing you just gotta give her time.

Larry: I'm giving her time but now I'm worried Laurent this has never happened!

She heard them say as she groggily started to wake up. Avery woke up in a hospital room completely confused. Laurent and Larry where in chairs next to her. Larry had his face in his hands and Lau was looking at the floor. They looked tired and stressed. You can tell Larry has been crying. She touched Larry's hand.

Avery: wha- ...what happened?

He looked at her in shock and relief. He held her hand and kissed her. She looked around again and started to freak out.

Larry: Hey belle... you're okay relax.

Avery: why am I h-here??

Lau: Avery Relax ... you don't know do you?

She looked at him confused and afraid. She looked at her stomach and back at Larry.

Avery: t-the baby?? Did I miscarriage!?

Larry: No! No look at me,the baby is fine.

He sat on the edge of her bed.

Larry: You had a seizure in your sleep... when you fell asleep in the car we came back and you were out of it and spazzing out.

Lau: Avery you could have died.. but we found you in time.

Avery: What??

Larry: But you're okay now.. the doctor is gonna come in and talk to you about it.

Avery: you know I don't like the hospital... I don't want to talk to him.

Larry: He's not gonna take any blood. He wants to see how you feel.

Avery felt fine just a bit tired.

Avery: I'm fine I want to go home please.

Larry: After the doctor comes we can go.

And on cue the doctor walked in with a clip board in hand.

Doc: I'm glad your up Avery... I just wanna know how you're feeling?

Avery: I'm fine.

Doc: No headache, feeling like you have to vomit, weakness?

Avery: No..

He sat in the chair next to her bed.

Doc: Okay... well we saw that you're pregnant and we want you to know the baby is okay and perfectly healthy. Congratulations

Avery: Thank you..

Doc: You're welcome now we have to talk about medication... sedatives is an option.

Larry: No. She's not taking that.

Lau: Why? What is that?

Larry: It's gonna make her clam and emotionless all the time not to mention addicted to it.

Doc: Okay well she can take a Anticonvulsant but not more than 1 a day because she's pregnant so it won't work all of the time because it's usually supposed to be taken twice but it will work most of the time.

Larry:... Okay let's do that.

Avery: can I go now?

Doc: Well Larry already signed paperwork so you can leave. I'll send the medication to your nearest CVS and you can pick it up.

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