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Larry: Come on belle wake up..

She groaned and turned around. Her body felt tired but she's guessing it's from the sex. He tickled her to get her up.

Avery: Okay okay I'm up!

She laughed. He had a sleeveless shirt on and swimming trunks.

Avery: what time is it?

Larry: 5am

She groaned and got up forgetting she was naked. Larry smacked her ass hard.

Avery: AYE!

She jumped and he chuckled.

Larry: We got time.. since your already naked...

He grabbed her waist.

Avery: Oh your so funny. I have to get ready so nice try.

Larry: Aww 15 mins won't hurt

Avery: No I just got the feeling in my legs back. Now give me my bathing suit.

Larry: Fineeee.

He took them out the suitcase and she put her two piece on with a dress over it.

Larry: Lookit my baby... looking all fine and stuff

Avery: Your such a dork... but a cute one..

Madison: Larry Aunty May said can you help her make sandwiches

Larry: Yeah I'll be there in a second.

Avery: Go ahead I'm just gonna grab my stuff

He kissed her forehead and went downstairs.

Madison: I told you to stay out of my way now I'm coming for you.

Avery: He' Keep playing I'm gonna tell Larry what your doing.

Madison: Have fun trying.

She smacked the picture off the dresser making it break.

Madison: Oops..

She laughed and walked downstairs. Avery sighed and picked it up with a dust pan. She walked in the bathroom and dumped the glass in the trash. She felt nauseous and weak. Avery collapsed near the toilet and threw up.

Lau: Woah you okay?

Avery: Oh god... I'm fine

Lau: Did you eat something?

Avery: No nothing crazy...

He scrunched up is eyebrows.

Lau: Well as long as you didn't have sex you don't have to be too worried

He laughed jokingly but she looked at him with worry.

Lau: oh my gosh you had sex didn't you?

Avery: last night and four days ago..

Lau: Well you cant get pregnant it's impossible for werewolves to get humans pregnant. And it's too soon.

Avery: please get me a pregnancy test...

Lau: But a normal pregnancy takes two weeks.

Avery: Well if you didn't notice I didn't have sex with a normal boy.

Lau: Fine but it's gonna come out negative then you can finally relax.

She flushed the toilet and brushed her teeth.

When she walked down stairs she started having to have cramps and her back was killing her.

Larry: You Okay baby?

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