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Avery cut the cameras and slammed them against the wall.

Larry: Avery baby don't. Not yet please. I need to know what Michael is up to.

She held them floating against the wall choking. You could see a purple ring starting to for around their neck. Larry gave the baby to Lau. He walked over and touched her shoulder she turned around jumped.

Larry: Avery...

She let them go and cried fall to the floor. The lights turned back on.

Larry: Hey Hey!

He picked her up and turned her around hugging her.

Larry: what did they do? Tell me belle

She shook her head no and cried on his shoulder.

Larry : No? What do you mean?

Avery: I c-cant

He nodded and held her tighter.

Larry: You don't have too belle I'm here.

She buried her face in his chest and cried. Max looked at Larry with a smirk on his faces. Justin looked like he wanted to die.

Larry: Belle can you stay by Lau for a second.

She shook her head no. She started ranting.

Avery: b-but I ne-ed you I'm s-so s-sorry

Larry: baby relax okay I won't leave I wont. Lau...

Lau: *french* Take them upstairs?!

Larry: yes

Lau gave Larry the baby and grabbed them
up by the hair.

Max: Ow! OW!

Justin: Lau- OW

He dragged them up the stairs as they screamed. Larry walked up the front desk lady and stared in her eyes.

Larry: This didn't happen... you had a normal boring day.

She nodded and went back into her office. He went into the elevator with Lani and Avery.

Avery: my good girl...

She grabbed her from Larry and held her close. Lani held her mother comfortably and held on tight.

Avery: my pretty baby-

She looked at her arm.

Avery: What happened to her bracelet?

Larry: It gave her a rash... and it was burning hot. I even had to clip it off. When I took it off she felt better.

Avery: oh no...

Larry: What?

Avery: I have so much to explain to you... but later okay?

Larry: ... Yea no okay that's fine.

The elevator stopped and started shaking. Leilani was burning up in her arm.

Avery: Oh god... she's burning up...

Larry: She did that earlier and almost burned the house down.. I don't know what to do.

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