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The next few days went by pretty easily. No trouble started up so they went back home. As a couple months passed Avery and Larry had a talk about the whole college situation. She declined her letter to Stanford anf that when she's ready she will attend collage. Larry did try to talk her into going. She had gotten a full scholarship with room and board but it didn't make her happy. She felt like being a mom and a student was way too hard for her and Larry. It was both their first times being parents and she couldn't leave him to take care of the baby on his own. Avery was now 6 months pregnant and there was no way to hide it. She was pretty big now and her due day got closer and closer. Larry spent his nights singing and talking to the baby.

Doc: Okay Avery the gel is gonna be a little cold

Avery: Okay..

She squeezed the gel on Avery's stomachs and moved around the sensor. Larry and Avery stared at the screen. He held her hand and smiled at the screen as the silhouette of the baby appeared.

Doc: You can see that is the head.... and that's the feet.

Larry: What is it? Boy or Girl?


Doc: Congratulations on your new baby girl. She seem very energetic and very healthy.

Avery looked at the screen and cried.

Larry: We're having a little girl belle... 

He started to tear up too. He kissed her.

Doc: Congratulations I'll go get the pictures so you both can deliver the good news.

She stepped out and Larry looked at her excitedly.

Avery: I'm so happy...

She wiped her face and hugged him.

Larry: I can't waitttt only three more months and I get to hold you...

Larry: She's gonna look like you ... beautiful

Avery: thank you baby.

She smiled brightly and kissed him.

Larry: I'm gonna use the bathroom really quick okay?

Avery: Go ahead I'll be fine I promise

He smiled and walked into the hall way and too the bathroom. When he came out he heard the doctor having a conversation with a man.

Man: What is it?

Doc: It's a girl and she definitely carries the werewolf trait. She growing fast and she's healthy.

Man: How many months?

Doc: 6 and a half.

Man: Ok and your sure the baby is healthy.

Doc: Extremely. I think it's time...

Larry felt a dart hit the side of his neck and another voice.

Lady: He was listening stupids. Hurry up and get the girl.

Larry touched his neck and felt a instant flash of heat followed by dizziness. He looked at them before blacking out and hitting the floor. He couldn't even get a word out his whole body shut down.

Avery heard the thumping noise of Larry's body and got up. She saw a lady in regular clothes open the door and outside the door Larry's body was limp. Avery stood up and grabbed a metal pan next to her.

Avery: Larry? What did you do?!

Lady: Oh he's fine it took a shit ton of poison to knock him out. Oh I mean a lot.. he's gonna be out for a couple hours.

A man approached the door with a rag in his hand.

Man: I got her... put him in the car.

She felt her own heart thumping quickly as she tried to move around the bed.

Avery: Leave me alone... leave him alone.

She felt her heartbeat my faster and her eyes lit up red.

Lady: Don't do that.

She pulled out a gun and pointed it at Larry's head.

Avery: Don't you dare...

Lady: This ain't a regular bullet. If it goes through his head he's dead forever he doesn't get a second chance now you can corporate or I'll kill him.

Avery took a deep breath and her eyes turn normal.

Avery: I'll go with you if you leave him alone.

Lady: You don't make negotiations I'm gonna take you and him. Let's not forget Laurent.

Avery: no you're not.

Lady: You don't call the shots and you damn well do not wanna try me... you're not the only werewolf in the room:

Her eyes were gold and she balled up her fist. The man grabbed Avery and placed a cloth over her mouth and nose. She struggled for a bit and her eyes rolled in the back of her head.

Lady: I wanna kill that little bitch... but I guess I'll have just as much fun watching her suffer.

Man: you let your attitude get in the way of our job again and he'll kill you.

Lady: Shut up.

The man picked up Avery's body and walked outside.

Lady: Guess I'm stuck with you handsome... this could be fun.

She picked up his body and brought him to a separate car.

(Short But I'll make the next chapter longer than usual)

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