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Avery's POV

I woke up still in the backyard laying on top of Larry.. I can't believe he really set everything up for me so that we can have a date at home. When I looked up I saw a rain clouds starting to form.

Avery: Larry... wake up.

Larry: Hmmm? What's wrong?

Avery: I think it might rain... Let's pack up.

Larry: Oh shit.. let's pack up

She helped him wrap the lights up, fold the projector screen up, put the food away and clean up.

Larry: Thank you bebe for the help.

Avery: Thank you for setting this up. We had fun.

She kissed him and closed the back door.

Avery: Larry can you do me a favor?

Larry: Sure what's wrong?

Avery: Can you get the medicine from upstairs I don't really feel well..

Larry: Of course ... I'll do it now just take a seat

He walked upstairs and Avery sat on the couch feeling dizzy. He hands were shaking and her stomach hurt. She was starting to get hot. The jiggling of the door scared her because Laurent ran inside like he was running from a killer. He looked like he ran blocks and he was wet because of the rain

Lau: Avery!

Avery: Yes?? What happened Lau?

He struggled to talk. All he could do is put his hands on his knees and breathe

Lau: I ran- 10 blocks...

Avery: What's wrong?!

Lau: The baby- you're body- can't take it

Larry walked downstairs and look at Lau.

Larry: What happened to you??

Lau finally caught his breath. Avery started to sweat her body felt like it was heating up.

Lau: I talked to Mama about when she had us.. and she explained how she was very sick the first month. She had seizure in her sleep and her body would heat up and try kill the baby the first five days. She told me that she thought the egg was just forming but it's not it's mature.

Avery: What?!!

Lau: The baby isn't small it's about the size of your hand. It's not an egg it matures way faster you have a three month old baby in your stomach...

Larry: No go back to the seizures and killing the baby.

Lau: It's only for the first month but it's dangerous for her.

Her body was trembling and burning up. Her blood was boiling.

Avery: I can't breathe...

She started hyperventilating.

Larry: What?! What's happening?

Lau: She's red... she's burning up.

Avery: Larry it's happening do something!

He touched her and panicked. Her skin started forming heat red dots.

Larry: What do I do?! Lau!

Laurent panicked.

Lau: Uh Mama didn't really tell me how to fix it... I don't know she talk about some formula dad used.


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