Court day

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Avery woke up to bed and breakfast from Larry. He had pancakes, scrambled egg and bacon with orange juice on a tray on the night stand next to her. It was still hot and the steam came out of it. When she looked over Larry wasn't there though. She sat up and stretch.

Avery: Larry???

She called out but he didn't answer.

She got up and walked downstairs to see him on the couch crying. He had his hands over his face. She walked over to him and sat down.

Avery: baby what's wrong??

She grabbed his hands and rubbed them gently. He looked at her with red eyes.

Larry: I don't wanna lose you...

Avery: You're not... Larry your not gonna lose me

She grabbed his face and kissed him.

Avery: What's this about? Court?

She shook his head yes

Larry: I just... I feel like I am the reason you're in this situation and I feel so guilty...

Avery: You having a fucked up father and me having an ex psychotic friend isn't you're fault. Nothing is your fault... Larry you do this a lot and you blame yourself for things you can't change or fix and it's not your fault.

Larry: It feels like it.

Avery: It's not I promise..

Larry: I do so much bad in the world. I kill, drain blood, get the people I love in trouble. I'm a monster just like Michael wanted me to be

Avery: again that's not you're fault... Larry can you think about the good things you do? You were my best friend since third grade. The only person that would sit with the new girl without a mother ... shared your lunch with me gave me friends... protected me. Supported me when I had no money no body to talk to. Through high school you beat up any boy that even spoke to me wrong. You let me stay in your bed when I was lonely at home. Helped me grieve when my dad died .You saved me from gave me a family. You gave me a daughter... Leilani is my sun shine on a rainy day I would do what we did ten times over to guarantee I'd have her in my arms again.

He looked at her with tear stained eyes and listened.

Avery: You helped save a little girls life. You saved mine a couple time

She giggled and sat on his lap. He held her and smiled.

Avery: You helped Laurent when he was possessed or something. You helped so many people. You are as human as anybody else in this planet. I swear it.

Larry: Thank you belle... I needed to hear that

She kissed him and touched noses with him.

Avery: You're welcome..... you are a good person

He smiled and so did she. He kissed her again and she ran her fingers through his twist.

Larry: Help me take these out later?

Avery: Of course

She got up

Avery: Now can we eat the amazing breakfast you just cooked

Larry: I didn't make myself any

Avery: Fine then we will share mine.

She grabbed his hand and walked up stairs with him.

Larry: But I made it for you-

Avery: I don't care you're eating

She dragged him upstairs and they sat on the bed. They spent the morning together while Lau got his hair twisted and his tux steamed. When it was about time he put his clothes on and put cologne on.

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