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baekhyun hesitated and checked his phone again.
08:07 am
he had to be in the homeroom at 08.15, so he had eight minutes left to get there.
seven minutes.
his plan was easy. he wanted to enter the school building as late as possible to minimize the probability to meet chanyeol before class without a teacher around to stop him from killing baekhyun.
okay, he was probably overreacting a little.
on the one hand he was afraid of this chanyeol guy and he just wanted to avoid him wherever it was possible. but on the other hand he was so desperate to show him that he couldn't do whatever he was up to without caring abot others.
it was 08:11 now and baekhyun gritted his teeth before opening the door. if he didn't go in now, he'd be late for sure. especially because he still had to get his chemistry book from his locker.
he hurried and managed to reach his locker within a minute. his hands were shaky as he unlocked the door and grabbed the book since he was afraid of being late on his first whole day of school. yesterday had been more like a test-day to show him around and let him have a look at the different subjects and the school in general. he was fiddling around with the lock as he heard a voice behind him.

"oh, look who we got here. the new kid who was a little... let's say 'disrespectful' yesterday."


baekhyun had tried his best not to get in his way but there he was. and moreover he really had to go to the homeroom now if he didn't want to be late. he turned around and faced chanyeol who had his arms folded over his chest.
his clothes were all black again but his hair wasn't as messy as the day before. although it had looked kinda good.
wait a minute-
baekhyun internally slapped his cheek. this guy in front of him was a disrespectful asshole he reminded himself.

"what do you want, chanyeol? we'll both be late if we don't get going now."

"and you think I care about that?"

"not really, no. but I do because I won't be late on my fucking first day" baekhyun replied and tried to push himself past chanyeol.

but he failed because chanyeol grabbed his wrist and pushed the smaller guy against the locker. baekhyun tried to ignore the dizzy feeling which appeared since his head had hit the locker and get away from chanyeol but he was just too tall and strong.

"you'll be late anyway" he said and the bell rang as if it wanted to confirm chanyeol's statement.

"and we got some things to talk about, don't we?"

"don't you fucking dare coming closer to me" baekhyun whisper-shouted as the other one moved his face closer to his.

"swearing doesn't look good on you."

"and why the fuck do you care? let me go, I want to go to class now."

he tried to slip out of the small space between the locker and chanyeol but failed again. baekhyun sighed but he didn't want to give up yet.

"what do I have to do for you to let me go?" he asked and waited for chanyeol to reply.

the taller one smirked.

"well, you could-"

he was interrupted by a boy who ran towards them and screamed
"chanyeol, what the heck are you doing? you wanna be late again?"

"calm down, sehun. I just had some talking to do. but I think I have to finish this next time."

"there won't be a next time, idiot" beakhyun said angrily.

"we'll see."

he stepped back and baekhyun ran for his life murmuring something that sounded like "what an idiot".
sehun looked at chanyeol and tried to understand what had happened.

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