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"baekhyun? baek? hey, baek! you need to wake up."

baekhyun groaned because it was way too comfortable to sleep snuggled up to chanyeol. the said tall boy caressed baekhyun's cheeks and smiled.
he was so beautiful.

"come on, the others are already outside. you don't want them to wait for you, do you?"

the brown haired boy gave up on the comfortable sleeping position he was in and shook his head before stuffing his pillow and his blanket into his backpack. chanyeol helped him to get his suitcase out of the baggage rack and took his own bag after that.


baekhyun nodded and followed him outside.

"listen, everybody!" one of the teachers said and the students stopped talking.
"we have to walk about five minutes to get to our hotel. please stay in your groups so we can check in without any problems. and now follow me, please!"

"where's kyungsoo?" baekhyun asked chanyeol who only shrugged.

"I don't know. he's so small that I can't see him. you're all so tiny."

baekhyun lightly punched his side.

"no, you're just extremely tall. you can't expect everyone to be a giant like you."

hr luckily found kyungsoo a minute later and everyone followed the teacher. the students were all tired because of the long ride (it's a long ass ride, guys) but that couldn't stop them from being excited to visit the places they wanted to see.
they arrived at the hotel a little while later and everyone got a key card and the room numbers.

"you can unpack and relax now. we'll meet in the lobby at five p.m to give you some last information concerning the next days so be here on time!" mr. hills said and the students went to their rooms after agreeing.

kyungsoo, chanyeol and baekhyun left the lobby and went to search their room which was number 121. kyungsoo eventually found it, unlocked the door and the three boys entered the room they'd be staying in for the next week.

"woah, this is nice" baekhyun said and jumped on top of one of the beds.

chanyeol smiled because of his cute behavior and sat down on the bed to baekhyun's left.
the beds were all next to each other so baekhyun didn't know whether it was really good or pretty bad to sleep between chanyeol and kyungsoo.
but apart from that the room was really nice. next to the window was a huge closet to put their belongings and there was also a little desk.

baekhyun got up from his bed to have a look at the bathroom which was on the opposite side of the room.
he opened the door and was happy to see a big shower there. he definitely wanted to freshen up a little and change his clothes before they had to meet the teachers and the other students in the lobby because he felt sweaty and uncomfortable in his clothes since he had slept in them.

"does anyone want to take a shower? otherwise I'll take one now."

kyungsoo shook his head.

"no, it's fine. you can go ahead, we still have enough time left."

chanyeol walked towards baekhyun who was still standing in the bathroom.

"give me a minute. I just want to wash my hands" he said and closed the door.

"why do you have to close the door then?" the older whisper-shouted.

chanyeol giggled. it was funny to hear such a cute sound from a person who was tall and intimidating like him.

"you're too innocent to be true, baekhyun. like seriously... if you want to take a shower, can I join you?"

baekhyun's jaw dropped and he looked at him with disbelief in his eyes.

"you're such a dirty-minded, weird pervert!"

"shh, don't be so inpolite. and moreover, you at least like that pervert a little."

baekhyun folded his arms over his chest.

"seems like I have to overthink that."

"aw, too bad."

chanyeol finished washing his hands and used the small towel next to the bathroom sink to dry them.
baekhyun shot him a provocative smile.

"yeah, I think I'll look for some cute boys when we go to the city tomorrow..."

the taller raised one eyebrow and put his arms around his waist.

"I dare you not to do that, sweetie."

"and what if? and don't call me sweetie, I'm not sweet at all."

"you're the living example of sweetness, so shut up."

baekhyun lightly punched his chest.

"and you're allowed to swear, huh?"

"yeah, because I'm the dangerous bad boy of this story."

the brown haired boy laughed.

"you wish. but you should get out of here now because kyungsoo won't believe that you're just washing your hands otherwise."

chanyeol smiled an innocent smile.

"what else would I do?"

"doesn't matter. and now go!"

the tall boy laughed and placed a kiss on baekhyun's hair.

"okay... but don't forget to bring some fresh clothes for changing after taking the shower because we don't want that towel-situation again, do we?"

to be honest he didn't want anyone else apart from him to see the brown haired boy with so little clothes.
he felt like he had to protect him.
and like someone was taking something that belonged to him away from him.
baekhyun blushed.

"no, we don't."

"you should go and get some new clothes then. and make sure to wear a warm hoodie or something like that because I don't want you to be sick. it's cold outside."

baekhyun felt his heart flutter because feeling cared for was so wonderful.
he cupped the younger's face.

"will do. but you have to let go of me then because I can't walk otherwise."

"but what if I don't want to?"

"that's your problem" the brown haired boy replied with a sassy smile.

"rude. it's not my fault that one immediately feels the urge to hug and squeeze you when they see you."


"okay, I. I mostly get this feeling but that's not the point here."

chanyeol felt embarrassed for openly showing his affection for the older but the other knew it anyway that he was obsessed with him.
or at least he should because chanyeol's mother always told her son that his emotions and thoughts were like an open book.
he ruffled baekhyun's hair and eventually let go of him.

"you ruined my hair" he complained and tried to pat it down again.

"it was already messed up, there was nothing left to ruin."

"thanks for telling me that I look like shit. but don't waste your time on saying things I already know."

chanyeol placed his index finger on the older's lips.

"will you shut up already? first: I just said that your hair was messy, not that it looked bad. and second: you're pretty. no, you're beautiful. you don't look like shit, you just talk shit sometimes."

baekhyun rolled his eyes and softly pushed his hand away.

"you're really weird, you know. like. really weird" he said and left the bathroom to look for some comfortable and warm clothes.

I'm sorry, this was rushed. but I'm just so busy😥 I have more time from tomorrow on so be prepared for some less weird stuff
see ya!

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