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baekhyun was exhausted.
he was in chanyeol's room for what felt like an eternity by now and he started wondering why nobody told him to leave. the sun had gone down a long time ago so it had to be late.

the brown haired boy's eyes were sore and hurt from crying.

he stroked chanyeol's hand over and over again.

he would've loved to hug the raven haired boy but of course he couldn't.
and the feeling of not being able to do anything drove him crazy.

"wake up, wake up, please" he begged and carefully caressed chanyeol's cheek.

as expected nothing happened.
but baekhyun wasn't willing to give up yet.

he would stay with chanyeol.

he was tired, so tired.

exhausted from crying, the constant fear of chanyeol's passing, not getting a lot of sleep, eating too less.

he tried to fight the sleepiness but he wasn't able to keep his eyes open after a while.
his head fell onto chanyeol's blanket, the boys' fingers still intertwined.

please wake up. I've just discovered that I love you. it would be so unfair if I lost you now. the world can't be so cruel, can it?

with his head full of thoughts baekhyun drifted off to sleep.

the brown haired boy woke up because his back hurt due to his sleeping position. he got up and stretched his body. he walked around the room and saw a clock installed on one of the machines that kept chanyeol alive.


why the heck was he still here?

the doctor could've told him to leave.
and mrs. park also wanted to visit her son, didn't she?

so why hadn't they woken him up?


he should go home.
it was so late but he didn't want to go.
he wouldn't leave chanyeol alone.


baekhyun sat down on the chair again and took the raven haired boy's hand in his. he didn't want to let go.
baekhyun ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.
this whole situation was completely fucked up.


he laughed when he thought about chanyeol getting mad at him because he was swearing and ending up swearing even more.
but his giggle died down when reality hit him again.
would the boy in front of him ever tell him not to say bad words again?

probably, probably not.

nobody knows.


baekhyun didn't even know why he was checking the time on the machine's display over and over again. he just felt like it.


he felt like it was important.
he touched chanyeol's pale face.
it was too warm for him to be dead but it was too cold for him to be alive.
he hung somewhere inbetween life and death.


that's coma.
you don't know if a person will live or die.
if they don't wake up, will you turn off the machines to end their suffer?
or will you wait, hoping they wake up one day?
nobody knows.


baekhyun sat there in silence.
he waited for the 28th of november to start. today was supposed to be the end of the boys' bet.
and now he was here, sitting in the intense care unit, hoping that chanyeol woke up.

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