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it was freezing cold outside when baekhyun and kyungsoo left the hotel, followed by chanyeol.

"it's already saturday" the brown haired boy whined.
"we need to pack our things tonight and we're leaving tomorrow in the morning! but I don't want to go yet!"

two days had passed since he and chanyeol were somehow official.
just the thought was still so unreal and new that baekhyun often had to pinch himself to make sure that it was not just a dream.
they weren't really able to show their affection for each other since they hadn't told kyungsoo yet but just the fact that they were together, the looks they exchanged and the little signs of caring for each other were enough for now.
for baekhyun at least.

kyungsoo and him wanted to go ice-skating today since it was the last day and chanyeol accompanied them since he had to go with them because of the group thing although he wasn't a big fan of ice-skating.

"we still have this day so let's enjoy it as much as we can!" kyungsoo said and patted his friend's shoulder.

baekhyun agreed.
it was no use to be sad about tomorrow if you still had today, right?
they arrived at the hall where they wanted to do ice-skating a little later and baekhyun felt himself getting excited.

it had been way too long since he had done ice-skating for the last time and he had definitely missed it!

baekhyun and kyungsoo went to the counter where they could borrow the ice skates since they didn't have their own ones with them and chanyeol waited on a bench in the meantime.
the tall boy watched the boy he could now finally call his boyfriend and smiled.
he looked so happy and excited that he just couldn't help it.
chanyeol wished to go ice-skating with them so he was able to be closer to the brown haired boy and be there for him in case that anything happened but he wasn't good at ice-skating at all so it was more likely that he got baekhyun into trouble than that he protected him.
kyungsoo and baekhyun put their ice skates on and entered the hall.

chanyeol sat on a bench behind a glass wall and just watched them having fun.
or mostly baekhyun to be honest.
but who cared about that?
it was his business and not anybody else's.
chanyeol was surprised because of baekhyun's ice-skating skills.

he had never told him that he liked this kind of sports or that he was so good at it.
but kyungsoo...
he seemed to have fun but he wasn't as stable as baekhyun who skated here and there, did some turns and came back to his friend after that.

"woah, you're so fast!" kyungsoo said and baekhyun proudly smiled.

"I started ice-skating when I was five years old or something like that. I lived near Incheon back then and there was a nice, big lake close to my parents' house. when winter came and the water froze I was the first one to grab my ice skates and run to the lake."

kyungsoo who was skating next to the brown haired boy laughed.

"what, really? why didn't you ever tell me?"

baekhyun shrugged.

"I don't know. I guess it's just that we never came across that topic."

"yeah, I think you're right."

baekhyun's face suddenly lit up.

"do you want me to show you how I do the turns and so on?"

his friend nodded.

"yes, of course!"

baekhyun looked around but there were too many people and too less space.

"let's go somewhere where it's less crowded. that's safer for everyone."

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