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it was sunday and time to go home.
chanyeol felt weird when all the students left the hotel and got on the bus.
baekhyun was obviously avoiding him.
they hadn't talked since their fight yesterday and the brown haired boy had tried to stay as far away from him as possible.
chanyeol felt that their actual fight had been useless.

why would they both overreact because of such a little thing?

it made no sense at all, did it?

the silence between the two boys was suffocating.
they hadn't broken up but chanyeol still felt like he had lost baekhyun.
just because of a stupid fight.
he sat next to kyungsoo on their way back home, baekhyun on the boy's other side like he was a border or a shield to keep chanyeol away from him.

kyungsoo felt a little uncomfortable between the two boyfriends who refused talking to each other but he had to stand it since he was friends with both of them.
but still, he was more than relieved when the bus arrived in seoul about five hours later.

everyone took their baggage and left the bus.
the teacher checked whether all the students were there which took them quite some time but finally, about fifteen minutes later, they could all go home.
baekhyun told kyungsoo goodbye and talked to his other friends for a while since he had barely seen them for a week. he went to the train station after that and tried not to think too much.

he wasn't really mad at chanyeol anymore.

his anger had faded away and now he missed his boyfriend.

if he was still able to call him that.

he wished he could turn back time and react differently.

so that they wouldn't fight.

it had taken them a month to get together so how could it be that they already fought after two days?
it was bullshit.

baekhyun got off the train and walked to the apartment complex he lived in.
he unlocked the front door, then his apartment's door.

fianlly home.

he took his shoes off, went straight into the living room and plopped down on the sofa.
he wasn't really mad at chanyeol anymore but he didn't feel in the mood for talking to him either.
it was probably better to let time take care of this matter.
they had to talk about it at some point of course but he felt like it wasn't the right time for that yet.

but when was the right time?

he sighed.

only god knew stuff like that.

baekhyun's stomach started growling a few hours later so he went into the kitchen to cook something for dinner.
he was hungry but he didn't have appetite.
he simply didn't feel in the mood for eating.
baekhyun sighed and cooked a small portion of noodles with tomato sauce.
he had to eat something after all since he had hardly eaten since yesterday.

he sat down at the kitchen table and checked his phone to see whether he had any important assignments or things to do for the upcoming week.
today was the 17th of novemeber.
baekhyun felt his heart skip a beat before the rhythm continued the way it was supposed to be.

he felt cold and put the bowl with the food away although he hadn't eaten much.

chanyeol's birthday was in ten days.

why did everything have to remind baekhyun of him?

why couldn't he stop thinking about the stupid fight?

why couldn't he stop missing chanyeol although they hadn't even broken up?

he buried his face in his hands and groaned.
he felt embarrassed and childish because of his behavior but he couldn't help it.

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