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"holy shit, it's so cold!" baekhyun said as soon as he left the hotel with kyungsoo and chanyeol.
"but it's so beautiful."

chanyeol stared at the boy who had a wide grin plastered on his face and seemed to be completely amazed by the white fluffy sensation covering the whole city like a blanket.

"where shall we go?" kyungsoo asked and looked at the other two boys.
"I'd absolutely love to see the sea to be honest."

baekhyun put an arm around his friend's shoulder and pulled him with him.

"let's go there then. I also want to see it, I absolutely love it. chanyeol? are you coming?" baekhyun asked when he noticed that the tall boy wasn't following them.

the said boy shook his head in order to get rid of the nasty and jealous thoughts inside of it.

"yeah, sure" he said then and caught up with the two.

he wanted to hold baekhyun's hand so badly but he couldn't.
he wanted to hold him close but he couldn't.
he wanted to give him all the love he deserved but he couldn't.


why was this world so unfair?

he had already gone through so much, why couldn't at least this soulmate thing be a little bit, just a tiny bit easier?
his mother had told him to be careful more than a thousand times but it was still so hard.
she had warned him that it would become hard to control his emotions but he hadn't expected it to be this awful.

he felt like his blood was boiling, like he was filled with jealousy and envy anytime someone only looked at baekhyun or even dared to touch him.
he didn't want to be possessive or obsessed but he just couldn't help feeling this way.
he couldn't do anything against it.
the onlything that helped was baekhyun himself.

would it ever change?

he couldn't remember that it had been so difficult for jae.
he watched baekhyun and kyungsoo walking in front if him, the brown haired boy's arm around the other's shoulder, laughing about a joke kyungsoo had told.

he had to control his feelings.

if he freaked out again, baekhyun would avoid him for sure and that was the last thing he wanted.
the three boys walked through the beautiful city until they arrived at the sea and the port busan was famous for.

"I want to walk on the sand!" baekhyun suddenly screamed and ran away without any further explanations.

kyungsoo and chanyeol looked at each other in confusion and laughed before they followed the brown haired boy who was jumping around on the sand like crazy.

"baekhyun! what has gotten into you?" kyungsoo asked and tried to calm his friend down.

"look at the sand! look at the sea! isn't it just beautiful?"

he ran towards the water to touch it although his shoes became wet and his feet cold during the process.

"damn, it's so cold!"

kyungsoo shook his head and laughed.

"what did you expect, baek? it's winter and it's snowing!"

baekhyun ignored him and continued running until he was out of breath and needed a break so he sat down on the sand. kyungsoo sighed in relief because he had been worrying that his friend might never calm down.
he plopped down next to baekhyun and chanyeol also joined them.

"can we go to the port and look at the ships?" baekhyun asked after a few minutes.
"and there's also the jagalchi fish market rosé mentioned when mr. hills talked about the trip. can we go there too? I'm a little hungry."

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