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baekhyun woke up to a pillow being thrown in his face the next morning.

"dude, what the f-"

kyungsoo interrupted him.

"look outside, baek! there's so much snow!"

baekhyun threw his sheets to the side and jumped out of his bed.

"what, really?"

"yeah, look!"

the brown haired boy went to stand next to his friend who was staring out of the window with wide eyes and his mouth agape.

"that looks so beautiful" baekhyun said and kyungsoo nodded.

"I'd love to go for a walk later."

"why don't we just do it? but let's ask chanyeol whether he's okay with it first because we have to stay in our groups."

kyungsoo agreed.

"let's do it like this."

"where's chanyeol even?" baekhyun suddenly asked because the tall boy was nowhere to be seen.

"under the covers I guess?"

baekhyun went to chanyeol's bed and pulled the blanket to the side which revealed a peacefully sleeping chanyeol.
he looked so cute while sleeping.
not bad or dangerous, just adorable.
baekhyun stared at him for a few seconds and adored his beautiful features until he snapped out of his trance and lightly shook chanyeol's body in order to wake him up.

"hey, chanyeol" he whispered and waited for a reaction.

but the tall boy just kept sleeping.

"I'll go change already" kyungsoo said.
"I guess it will take a while to get him out of bed."

baekhyun nodded and tried to wake chanyeol up again.
but as soon as his friend had gone he felt an arm around his waist and fell right on top of chanyeol.

"damn, are you crazy? you scared me to death!" baekhyun whisper-shouted and tried to get up but he was only pulled closer to chanyeol's chest again.

"scaredy cat" the tall boy muttered and his deep morning voice made the brown haired boy get goosebumps.

"just stay here for a minute."

"okay. 60, 59, 58, 57-"

"shut up, baek. I just want to hold you for a while. it really sucks that we can't be more like... on our own because we always have to be in our groups."

baekhyun's cheeks reddened and he stopped trying to gey away from chanyeol. he put his arms around his neck instead and chanyeol stroked his back which made the smaller hum because he was obviously enjoying it.
they stayed like this for a while because they had no reason to be afraid of getting caught since they could still hear kyungsoo showering.
the smaller caressed chanyeol's cheek, lost in thought.

"it's snowing outside so kyungsoo and I want to go for a walk after changing and having breakfast. do you want to come with us?"

chanyeol slowly nodded and held him even tighter.

"sure, why not. but you should probably get out of my bed soon because kyungsoo has finished showering."

"oh. yes, you're right."

baekhyun stood up and kissed the tall boy's forehead.

"but you still have to get up now. you can't sleep all day."

chanyeol smiled.

"I can but I won't just let you go outside on your own. what if someone tries to snatch you away from me, huh?"

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