[Haikyuu] Oikawa Touru x Reader as Iwaizumi's Cousin

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Your POV

I was on my way towards the gym, briskly walking to see my cousin Hajime. It has been a few years since I last saw him because of the unexpected migration at the United States due to my father's work and I promised to my cousin to visit him when I have the time.

Reaching my destination I peaked inside the gym's door and began searching for a spiked up dark brown haired male.

"Ano, can I help you?”

"Eh?!” Startled. I was instantly surprised in hearing a voice behind me and spun around in meeting the owner of the sound.

He's tall, having dark chocolate brown hair with his eyes having the same corresponding color and is wearing Aobajohsai High's uniform. He must be a part of the team...

And there's another thing about him that caught my attention, I'll admit he is good looking but his smile, I noticed it wasn't that genuine, and somehow it makes me jittery inside. I slowly backed away from the male in front of me until a familiar voice was heard behind me.

"What are you doing, slacking around Shittykawa." I turned around in facing the male behind me, eyeing the person I've been looking for all this time, his grey color irises surprised in seeing me. "Hajime!"


Delighted in finally meeting him, I tackled him into a hug that almost made him loss his balance. "I missed you!" He chuckle as he return my embrace. "Missed you too, squirt."

"Iwa-chan, you know her?" Gaining both our attention, Hajime and I look at the person in front of us, now I could see a displeased expression on his visage that caused me to avert eye contact with the tall male.

"Uh, I do know her." Hajime utters as he held me protectively, sensing my discomfort. "Head back inside, Oikawa, the practice match will start in about an hour." Oikawa, so that's his name...

"No need to be so tense, Iwa-chan." The tall male who I've now known to be Oikawa spoke but before he went inside the gym, he shot me the same smile again before heading inside.

I could literally hear my heart beating rapidly in my chest, and heave out the breathe that hitch my throat. "(Nickname)." Hajime called out to me, worry was evident in his visage before he retracted from the embrace. "We'll discuss about the matter later, for now let's head inside. You can watch the practice match near coach where I can see you, okay?" Hajime says with his usual tone of voice that I agreed in understanding.

[Time Skip]

Oikawa Touru's POV

"Oi, oi. Who's the (Hair Color) girl, Iwaizume-san is with?"

"She's a beaut!"

"Maybe she is Iwaizume-senpai's girlfriend?"

'I know she's beautiful, but quit staring at her like that it's making her uncomfortable.' Is what I would like to say to the underclassmen but I can't voice it out.

I keep staring at the girl who's currently rumored to be Iwa-chan's girlfriend. She was sitting on the bench near coach with Iwa-chan talking to her about something before running off to warm up. I could see she was clutching onto the hem of her pastel color skirt, nervous of the many murmurs and looks the males in the gym were giving her that irked me greatly, urging me to be by her side, and comfort her.

I could still remember the look she gave me back at the entrance of the gym. She became nervous from my presence that I didn't quite understand, usually girls would fawn over me at first sight, but she was different, she did the opposite, she tried to distance herself.

Her (Eye Color) orbs staring into mine, I could see the many emotion swirling in her eyes, enchanting me. Her long/short (Hair Color) locks, I could twirl it around my fingers, playing the strand of her hair before tucking it behind her ear, her parted lips that is tempting to be kissed, her rosy cheeks that I would never be tired to caress everyday, but not until Iwa-chan added to the picture, and broke my fantasies.

I pouted as I began to wonder of their relationship. There's only one way to find out.

Eager to get to know their relationship. I prepared myself of the tons of possible beatings I'll get from Iwa-chan, I'll do whatever it takes to know if they are dating or not.

Heaving out a breathe, I began to do some light stretching before inhaling and exhaling. Three, two, one. "Domo, (Nickname)-chan!~" I called out as I run to approach her in an attempt to gain her attention but I was immediately got hit by a volleyball by no other than Iwa-chan when I reached her.

"Stay away from her, Trashykawa!"


"You're so mean to me, Iwa-chan!"


Status: Unedited

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