[Christmas Special] Kuramochi Youichi x Reader

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You were at home reading (Favourite Manga) with your headphones on, the music (Favourite Song) by (Favourite Singer) blasting in your ears. You wrapped the blanket around your shoulders close to you, feeling the chilliness, and shortly glance toward the window to see snow falling outside.

It is five in the afternoon and Christmas is seven hours away. You finish reading and close the manga, putting the book in its specific shelf, afterward, you lean back against the swivel chair, and begin to ponder.

Thinking about going out or just stay at home. Your parents are both away; overseas due to their job, they couldn't get back home for Christmas because of their hectic schedules that you understand. They sent you much-needed money for your needs and promising to buy you gifts and souvenirs as an apology for not being able to celebrate with you.

Contemplating in your head, you agreed on going to the mall and spend some quality time with yourself. You couldn't possibly ask your friends to hang out, sure enough, they are busy for the upcoming celebration. Then, your boyfriend Kuramochi Youichi came to mind but you knew he's already home with his family.

Standing up, you walk to your wardrobe and grab casual winter clothing. Consist of a denim pants, a red-colored long sleeves polo shirt, and to go on top of it is a light brown long sleeves sweater and thick socks for your feet. After you wear your clothes, you move to where the mirror is, not planning to tie your (Hair Length) (Hair Color) hair and just comb down some loose strands, then applied lip gloss on your lips that you took from the drawer.

Satisfied with your looks, you began gathering your necessities in a small backpack. Until your phone rings and vibrates on your desk, playing the ringtone of your boyfriend that you pick up and answer the call without a second thought. “Youichi?”

“H-Hey, (Nickname),”  Kuramochi says on the other side of the line, his voice sounding a bit jittery. “Uh, are you home--- at your place?” You began to wonder his tone of voice but answer his question nonetheless.

“I am, but about to leave home, ” You tilt your head to the side, placing your phone in between your ear and shoulder, “I'm heading to the mall, why do you ask?”

“Well, I, uh...” He paused, before continuing speaking. “Can you come outside? I'm at the front door.”


You immediately hang up, running out of your room in a hurry from his string of words. As you reach the entrance, you open up the door to see Kuramochi really standing outside your apartment complex with a backpack that your eyes widen. “Y-Yo.” His cheeks reddish, shyly looking and then averting his eyes from you.

“Youichi, how long have you been standing there?!” You let out surprised and somewhat happy in seeing him.  “Come in.” You gesture him inside your home, “You have a lot of explaining to do mister.”

That Kuramochi nods in understanding and enters. “I know.”

You close the door behind him, and the both of you went to the living room that he plops down on the couch, setting his backpack on the floor. “I'm gonna make us some hot chocolate before we talk.” You told before heading to the kitchen.

[Time Skip]

You set down the cups of hot chocolate on the table that gains Kuramochi's attention and afterward you sit down beside him. “You better have a good explanation, Youichi. You told me beforehand you are going to Chiba.”

The said male lets out a breath, scratching the back of his head before he decided to lay down on to your lap. A gesture he always does whenever he is frustrated. “I was at Chiba when mum unexpectedly blew out a fuse.”

“Aunty? What happened?” You questioned that Kuramochi's cheeks flush red, you study him, your (Eye Color) irises staring into his brown ones.

“Well...” Kuramochi began, “She complained about not bringing you with me.”

“She wants you to spend Christmas with us.” Your eyes widen as you heard his words, Kuramochi sits up from his position and facing you. “That's why I came here, I have come to pick you up, and take you with me.”

“If that is okay with---” But Kuramochi was unable to finish his sentence.

“Youichi,” You engulf him into an embrace that startled him and he timidly returns the hug. “I would love to!”


Status: Unedited

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