[Seven Deadly Sins] Gowther x Chubby! Fairy Reader

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Requested by: Puggledoggo19


"Everyone! Has anyone seen (First Name)?" King barged inside the Boar Hut in a slight panic. "I can't find her!"

"Nope, she didn't come here," Meliodas spoke up. "It would be impossible if she's with either Merlin and Gowther."

"Don't tell me (First Name)-chan has gone missing?!" Elizabeth exclaims worry beginning to fill her mind.

"Wait up, let's not make assumptions yet," Diane says looking at the people who are gathered inside the Hut. "This is (First Name) we are talking about!"

"Oi, King. I find this situation odd." Ban said that caught the fairy's attention.

"Now that you mention it." Meliodas came into a realization, "You two are inseparable, it's unusual for the both of you to lose sight of each other."

"That's the problem!" King began, "She disappeared right after I turned my back to admire the field we discovered for a few minutes! I have a bad feeling something bad occurred to my cousin, I need to find her!"

"All right, let's go and search for her," Meliodas declared. "Hawk."

"Leave it to me!"


"(First Name)?"

"(First Name), wake up."

You begin to regain consciousness upon feeling a poke on your cheeks, with half lid eyes, your vision was unclear but you can define someone's figure right above you. Squinting a few times to get rid of the blurriness.

Your eyes widen and cheeks heated up in embarrassment due to the close distance. "D'AH! Gowther!" You screamed as you sit up with a start and almost hitting each others forehead. "Wh-What happened? Where's King?" You questioned flustered, looking around as you hug your stuffed toy.

"It began when you walk off on your own to play when you made your stuffed dog, Cerberus, alive, unknowingly tripping over a root and hit your head." Gowther begins to explain your situation, "I was reading from a distance when I saw you falling, leading to where we are now."

"I see." You breath out a sigh until you notice the dark pink-haired male keeps on staring at you intensely with a tilt of his head. "Is something wrong?"

"So this is your real form?" Gowther says, stopping you mid-sentence. You lower your eyes towards yourself and your heart momentarily stopped. You were back to your original body rather than your human appearance which was similar to your cousin, King's big structure.

You immediately return back to your other figure and stood up to wipe away the dust particles attached to your clothing. "You saw nothing, okay?" You utter as you stare into Gowther's amber eyes and he watches you with a stoic expression.

"Okay." He says in his usual tone of voice until the bushes begin to rustle and Hawk burst out of it with such speed, ending up colliding with you and Gowther with a thud against the ground.

"I found (First Name)!" Hawk announced who's standing triumphantly above you while informing Meliodas and the others who're following behind him, before noticing Gowther was squashed beneath you. "And Gowther too!"


Status: Unedited

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