Chapter 6

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Back with the Avengers

"There's nothing to worry about. This was a fan that we had met before and I suppose forgot about them." Captain America says to the camera smiling as though there's nothing wrong.

"We will get them and they'll get the correct justice." Iron man said grinning.

"We should get them in a couple days, so do not worry." Hulk said nervously.

Hawkeye had a barely recognizable dubious look.

Peter looked at the look with curiosity. He wondered why he also didn't believe the fan story. He would have to look at the cameras to see if something happened to him.

"Will we able to talk to them once you find them?" A blonde female shouted.

"No, you won't know who they are when we find them. They will be given anonymity." Mr. America said.

"Why should they though? They scared the public." A brunet male exclaimed with outrage.

"They just want the attention from hacking a TV and making the Avengers worry. They're nothing but a spoiled brat that lives off of attention." Tony said haughtily.

Peter raised an eyebrow at this. 'You're describing what you are,' he thought. He then saw Barton have a concealed smirk. He then knew that Barton is not what he looks like.

Earlier Barton's Point of View

(A/N This is a few days before Natasha was knocked out.)

If it were a few days before he got his real memories back then he would say that he has an amazing life. But now, he has the worst life. And the best blackmail.

But since he got hit in the head with a brick he regained his memories and remembered. He remembered he doesn't have a wife or kids but that they were some associates he met. He remembered being forced into working with SHIELD. He remembered having Fury and Romanoff pulling him down into the basement with scientists and other 'patients' screaming in agony. He remembered being forced onto a metal table and having straps on him. He remembered an unknown scientist taking a big metal head shaped something and put it on his head. He remembered getting his memories before then getting wiped because he was too obvious. He remembered being tortured by his most trusted friend. He remembered having parental feelings towards Spider-Man aka Peter Parker.

He shook his head in regret with ever letting SHIELD get near him.

But he couldn't let this bother him now. Now he had to focus on how to get rid of SHIELD. He would have to think about this later as Natasha and Bruce were coming over.

"How are you feeling, Clint?" Asked Natasha.

"Good, considering being hit with a brick," Clint lied. 'Horrible, I know what you did.'

"That's good." Bruce said moving around to check his vitals and other doctorly things.

"How long was I out?" The archer asked.

"About two days." Natasha responded.

"Oh." He wanted to stab her.

"Well, Clint, you need more liquid and rest before you're good to leave." Bruce said after examining the machines by him.

"Ok, doc."

"And don't sneak out this time." Bruce said.

"Of course I won't. "

Natasha gave him look.

"I won't," He said.

"Bye, Clint." Bruce said.


A/N Hi, loves. Did you like twist that I added? Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day or evening to wherever you may be.

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