Chapter 14

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Blue Bottle Coffee shop

Peter finally relaxed. This was his favorite coffee shop to go to. Peter sipper his caramel frappuccino, waiting. He wasn't waiting for anything in particular, just waiting. To be completely honest - he had no clue why he was here other than his senses telling him to be here. He sighed as he looked at the many people walking in and out of the coffee shop. Maybe something going to happen? Or maybe someone?, he thought.

He opened his eyes when he realized he closed them and looked around. His looking faltered as he saw a male leaning against the wall with one foot up. He had hot chocolate in his hand and a phone in the other.

Peter saw his eyes and god am I gayyyyy. He not so subtly hit his head against the table in front of him. His eyes were gorgeous. And his body and he needs to stop cause he is looking. Just pretend you're looking outside. Shit, there's no window.

Shit, he's coming over. Fuckin get yourself together. I am a killer. I am a manipulator. I am- I am very gay, Peter thought as the male put his phone in his pocker and was coming closer and closer.

"Are you okay? It looked like you were panickin'." The deep wonderful southern voice asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Just thought that I left my door unlocked and kinda panicked." Peter said stuttering for the first part of the sentence.

"Sure, whateva you say, darling" He winked at Peter causing him to lightly blush. "By the way, my names Harley Keener."

"My name is Peter Parker."

"Nice to meet you, Peter." Harley, that is the best name, basically purred to him.

"You as well." Peter tried his best to act not flustered but he had no clue if he had succeeded seeing Harley's face.

"Can I give you my number so we could go on a date later?" Peter flushed a bright red no matter how hard he tried not to when Harley asked him on a date.

"Oh, uh, definitely!" Peter exclaimed even though he was thoroughly embarrassed.

"Great!" Harley quickly got a pen from the counter next to him and wrote his number on Peter's arm and said, "we can text later to set a date."

"Yeah, of course." Harley smiled and left.

Peter not so gently put his head on the table and muttered quietly, "Why am I so gay?" He jumped when his phone buzzed twice then once. He sighed but leaned back into his seat to see what Morticia wanted.

Baas, JARVIS told me that Tony Stank will be there in about 5 minutes -M&J

A/N Hey loves! I want to thank callmxparker for giving me an idea to write! FireBlazingHeart and ButteryChicken I will write yours soon! I probably will combine those two together! weaselmerch Bucky might get written soon so keep an eye out for that! Thank you so much for 300 votes and 9k reads! I never thought it would get past 20 votes and get it got to 300. So thank you all so much for letting me get this far! Anyways, have a lovely evening or morning wherever you may be!

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