I got tagged??

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Uhh somehow I got tagged so I'm going to do it here. lenadrlin tagged me soo...

1. Im a girl

2. I've got two dogs - champ and Georgia, they were both abused(we assume so at least)

3. I've never been in a relationship

4. I might be panromantic (thank you to those who discussed it in the comments)

5. I watch anime

6. My family is a real mess and I don't agree with them at all

7. I've got a switch and I play animal crossing on it

8. Kinda hate my family with their opinions

9. I've got anxiety and depression

10. I love cats so very much

11. Uhh I like Harry Potter

12. I like Marie from Aristocats

13. ACAB until the government is fixed

Hmm people on Wattpad I know


I don't know many people on here so this is all I got.

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