Chapter 10

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Daily Bugle

Peter Parker walked into the front doors of the Daily Bugle building with a coffee in one hand and his phone in the other while his shoulders were occupied by a Slytherin cinch bag.

"Hello, Stacey. How are you?" Peter asked.

"Hey, hun. I'm doing ok. How about you?" Stacey responded.

"Good as it can get," Peter answered to the blonde receptionist while walking to the elevator.

Peter sighed as the elevator doors shut. He hated this.

The elevator doors opened and Peter stepped out.

"Mr. Parker, you better have the report." Vincent Walker, Peter's boss, asked harshly.

"Yes, sir."

"Did you include when it happened, how it happened, and how much was stolen?" Mr. Walker asked again.

"Yes, sir."

"Good, now get!" Mr. Walker shouted at the brunet.

Peter just mumbled and left to his desk with the folder of the report. He sat down and put his cinch bag down before taking a long drink of coffee then setting it down and getting his USB out and plugging it into the computer once he logged into it. He then quickly copy and pasted it on the website while also checking and correcting the errors he saw. After he was finished he published the article.

He made sure no one was looking at him before he quickly got onto Google and searched up 2048 to finally relax.

Five hours passed

He stretched, cracking his back in the process, then stood up grabbed his cinch bag and his empty coffee cup and started to walk to the elevator.

"Parker! Come back here! I want you to work a report on J. Jonah Jameson about how he's biased and a bigot!" Mr. Walker basically yelled. Peter mentally raised an eyebrow.

"May I ask why?" Peter asked curiously.

"He, personally, made an article about how gays don't deserve rights and other shit like that! Since it seems like you don't mind doing any article, would you like to write this article?!" Mr. Walker, once again, basically yelled.

Peter was surprised by this. He didn't know that he was supportive or possibly even gay. "Of course! I would love to write an article about him." Peter said after a beat of silence.

"Good! You better leave!" Mr.  Walker, this time, yelled and ushered Peter out the door only to slam it in his face. Peter blinked at the door confusedly then shook his head and stalked to the elevator.

28 minutes later  (A/N 28 stab wounds. Ha, I'm so funny.)

"Honey, I'm home!" Peter yelled as he walked into his apartment.

"Hello, Peter." FRIDAY and Morticia said at the same scaring Peter into screaming.

"Oh my God!" He yelled. "Don't do that!"

A/N Hey loves, I am so glad I finally got this chapter out. I have to thank my friend for letting me know that it is ok if I have to take a break, even if I feel super guilty for not getting other chapters out. On another note, thank you so much for hoping I'm ok and letting me know that you like this book! Also, I'm going to add a picture of one of my cat each chapter thanks to ticcitobyAXE for suggesting this! Anyways, have a good day or evening wherever you may be.

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