Chapter 33

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Rushing water filled his ears, blocking out the rest of the world.

Flowers of all kinds spread throughout the field. A small lake could be seen in the very back, near the forest. If one dared to go near, they would see a beautiful waterfall with a black haired man laid against a large flat rock.

Only one person dared to go near him and that would be his blond brother, the idoitic and brave Thor.

Approaching silently, well as silent as Thor could be, he peaked around a tree to see Loki's closed eyes. He let out a sigh going to turn around until he saw his eyes flicker open.

"Brother?" Thor asked hesitantly.

Loki's eyes gazed at him for a moment before turning and looking at the waterfall. He gave an answering hum.

"Would you consider coming to Midgard with me?" He said walking to the trickster.

Loki sharply looked next to him. "For what exactly? And how, if you cannot remember, I tried to take Midgard under my control."

"Well, since it wasn't you who did it but Thanos - I believe that they would accept you as their own as they did me!" Thor exclaimed, looking giddy that his brother might be coming with him.

Once again turning his gaze to the waterfall, he weighed the pros and cons of going to Midgard.

Before he could answer Thor spoke again, "I also want to see Peter, Man of Spiders!"

Loki looked confused before realization crossed his face. "Young Peter?"

"Yeah! It's been two or three years, I think, in their world." Thor said as he sat down next to his brother.

Nodding, Loki asked, "So, when are we leaving?"

~~Time skip of a couple days~~

Slight taps of shoes coming from inside the grand building woke Loki up from his meditation. Opening his eyes, he saw Thor step outside and into the sunlight.

"Brother, are you ready to go?" Thor asked once he saw the dark haired male sitting down on the grass.

Standing gracefully, Loki nodded his head. In sync, they both walked to where Heimdall guarded the Rainbow Bridge. Heimdall stood with unseeing eyes until he heard the noise of two people walking towards him. Seeing the two princes, he bowed slightly then stood up to move aside to allow them through. Needing no words, the gold-eyed male opened up the bridge to go to Midgard.

"Have a good trip, Prince Thor, Prince Loki." Said Heimdall as they walked in. Walking in with a wave, the two princes disappear from sight. Closing the portal, he returned to his spot.



Loki and Thor landed on the Avengers Tower landing site for them with a rumble of thunder. Steadying themselves, they walked into the building automatically being greeted by JARVIS.

"Good afternoon, Thor, Loki. Is there anyone you would like to see?" JARVIS said politely, as is his program.

"Yes! We would like to see how young Peter is doing! Its been too long since I had seen him." Thor said boisterously, looking at the changed decor.

"Peter?" JARVIS asked, sound surprised. "Peter... isn't here, I recommend seeing Clint in the Avengers training room though." With that, the AI said nothing else other than to guide them towards to where they need to go.

Stepping into the training room where, surprisingly, only Clint was training. As soon as the door opened, Clint spun towards them with his bow already notched and aimed. Seeing who it was, he put the bow on his back and returned the arrow to its holding place.

"Oh, sorry Thor, Loki. Habit." He said while walking towards them.

Loki, surprised by Clint apologizing to him(considering he did brainwash him and all, even though it wasn't all his fault - Thanos also controlled him), said nothing as Thor said it was fine.

"We were wondering where Man of Spiders is at." Thor said in lieu of asking how everyone was. Immediately after Thor said that, Clint's expression became stone-cold. He turned around to clean up, doing so quickly. After, he gestured for them to follow him into the elevator.

"Don't say anything about him until we're alone. Things changed while you were gone. And not for the good." Clint said, tone cold and commanding.

The brothers in all but blood shared a look but stayed silent on the ride down. Loki silently changed his hair to white, skin slightly tanning, and shrunk to 6 feet. The three light-haired males stepped out when the elevator opened. Clint led the princes to a quiet cafe, letting all of the three of them order a drink.

Sighing, he gave both of them a scrutinizing look before he took a sip of his drink to gather his thoughts of how much to explain. Clint leaned back in his seat, looking as if the world was thrown in Hel. The blond grabbed his phone on the table, fiddling with it for a moment before setting it down again once it got an answering buzz a few minutes after. "Peter will be here in ten or so minutes if you don't mind waiting for him." Clint said.

"We don't mind waiting." Loki finally saying something to Clint. He hoped Barton wouldn't hold a grudge against him even if he knew he would. Mindless chatter from the cafe drifted into their awkward silence.

Ten awkward minutes later, the bell above the door rang as Peter stepped in. Spotting Thor and Loki-in-disguise almost immediately, he schooled his face into a calm facade and walked to the empty seat besides Clint.

"Any reason as to why you're here Thor?" Peter asked after a few moments of silence.

Thor brightened up and said, "We just wanted to see you, Young Peter!"

"'We'?" Questioned Peter.

"Yes, my brother and I!" Thor said, unknowing of Loki's deadpan face.

Peter sat still for a moment before asking, "The trickster brother?" Peter knew it wouldn't be good if NY knew Loki was back considering The Avengers said nothing about Loki being controlled by Thanos. Clint luckily knew he was controlled and being in the same place as him - both by Loki and The Avengers - he couldn't fault Loki for what he did.

Thor nodded happily.

Peter let out a forlorn sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

A/N Hey loves! I finally got to 1000 words again! I have to say thank you to your_thot_child for giving the suggestion of having Peter form his own team. As to all of the other suggestions, I'll try to get them done as soon as it goes with the plot! Thank you to those who comment suggestions(or anything really!) on where I should go! Anyway stay safe during this time! (Go comment some prompts on my one shot book!)

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