Christmas Special

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Peter woke up in a frenzy of motions, arms flailing  around and feet kicking. He quickly fell off the bed when he hit his hand on the headboard. It was 10 A.M. and he was late. He bolted up, hurriedly put on jeans and a shirt then ran out to the kitchen.


"Hey, Pete."

Peter's head shot up to the voice, looking around until he saw Steve standing in the doorway. "Hey! Have you - uh, have you seen a purple and gold present? Around here? Or somewhere?" Peter asked, looking around the room occasionally moving things.

"No? Clint might've stole it though - he likes purple and shiny things." Steve winked and left to the kitchen. Peter groaned and stood up before running to where he could hear Clint yelling at the T.V. on Mario Kart.

Peter slid into the gaming room, seeing Clint, Bucky, and Sam playing Mario Kart. "Have you seen a purple and gold present? I need it!" Peter yelled, running around the room, looking in boxes and under stuff, even chairs where the present couldn't possibly be.

"Pepper might've took it down to the lobby, she probably thought it was box for the tree." Sam said, glancing over to Peter. "Relax, kid, you'll find it. Why aren't you using JARVIS?" He asked, cursing when he got hit with a red shell.

"Dad said not to disturb him or JARVIS, that they were working on something really important." Peter yelled while running out the door.

The three glanced at each other before Clint said, "How long 'til he notices that he said 'dad'? I bet after he finds the present."

Bucky laughed and said, "I say twenty minutes."

Sam shook his head at the twos antics.


Peter tapped his foot impatiently on the elevator down. Pepper probably did take it down to the tree, she liked the lobby to be pretty and elegant.

"Hey, Tiffany! Have you seen M- Pepper down here with a-a purple and gold present?!" Peter asked when he saw the blonde typing on the computer.

Tiffany looked up and smiled, "No, but Bruce and Ned came down here then left that kinda looked like the present." Peter smiled and thanked her before leaving, taking the stairs this time, using his webs to get him up to the 42nd floor.

He popped his head into Ms. Byla office and asked, "Is Bruce here? Or up?"

"Yeah, he's up. Be careful, though. He hasn't slept in.... 6 days, I think." Ms. Byla said, looking at him in favor of papers she was looking at.

"I'll get him to bed, Ms. B-" he paused at her look and continued-" Martha. I mean, Martha!" He laughed nervously, backing out of the office slowly then sprinted to Bruce's lab.

"Hey! Oh, sorry. Hey, have you, by chance, put a purple and gold present down somewhere or seen someone take it?" Peter asked quietly to the wincing man. He quickly spoke before Bruce could speak, "You need to sleep after you're done. You haven't slept in 6 days!"

Bruce stared as if he couldn't comprehend what was told before nodding and said, "Tony took it. I think. Can't remember. What was my floor number? Hmmm. 67, probably." Bruce muttered as he walked out of the lab.

Peter sighed at the mess of a human but cleaned up for him. He ran out the lab calling out a thanks to Martha.


"Sir, Peter is running down the hallway." JARVIS said when he was working on Peters new suit.

"Hide the suit. I gotta ask him some questions about someone." Tony stretches out his back and leaned on the table he was sitting. "Open the doors, too." 

Tony could hear Peter running down the hall and smiled to himself. Peter leaned his weight on the door when it opened and landed him on the floor, Tony sitting beside him. "Hi, Mr. Stark! I gotta question for you! Have you took a present that was purple and gold from Bruce, I think."

"Yeah, kid. It's over there." He nodded his head to a counter that had a coffee machine on it. Peter ran to the present and was about to leave when Tony stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, kid. The presents for-"

"Yeah! I love them so much! They're so nice and comforting! They're always patient and understanding! They're so cute, too! Brave, too, for facing their fears, whether it's now or later!" Peter cut him off with a ramble on them.

A son was heard before a vent shattered from where it was and onto the floor. "That was so beautiful I could die!" A red clothed head popped out of the vent when a smack likely hit his head. "That wasn't nice, Ms. Author!" He was then pushed out of the vent where he gracelessly fell onto the floor.

"Yeah, well, you're not nice for ruining the moment." A female with brown hair that red appeared in some of the lighting. A black flannel with a maroon cami underneath it showed as she jumped out, her designed combat boots landed on either side of Deadpool's head.

Deadpool screamed, "Don't do that, Author-San!"

The author sighed and lightly kicked his head before stepping over him and leaned against the wall. "Don't cry in the middle of the story then. Sorry for that Tony, Peter. Hey, I'm the author or you can call me Rose if you feel freaked out for calling me author - unlike Deadpool back there." Deadpool waved from where he was on the floor seemingly content.

Rose turned to all the wonderful readers and said, "Thank you guys for reading, voting, and commenting on my story, I can't say I ever thought I'd get to 18 thousand views and just about 750 votes or even 261 comments. I have to thank you guys for getting me to this point and my friends Ian and Breanna for helping to get this out. Ian helped me with some of the mistakes I made and Breanna pushed me to write it and update (even if I didn't update for two weeks which I'm extremely sorry for) my story." Deadpool sobbed again, Rose rolled her eyes 

"That many people read for us?" Peter asked blinking his eye at her.

"Yes, but an AU of this. Or alternate universe."


Rose smiled gently at Peter before asking, "Who was the present for?"

"I totally forgot about that! I'm so sorry." Peter suddenly jumped up and ran for the present he sat down on the counter when Deadpool had popped his head out.

"Hear you go, readers!" Peter presented the present to you. You took the present from Peters hand gently and smiled at him in thanks. You opened the beautiful wrapping and opened the box to see a mirror with sticky notes on the sides of it.

Always patient - Bucky

Very curious - Nat

Very cuddly - Pepper

Actually the best - Ned

Very creative - Tony

Acceptive - Steve

Loves D:BH - Peter

Absolutely loves cats and poptarts - Thor

The best hair - Clint

For being the best to Emmie - Breanna

The reader teared up and hugged Peter tightly.



"Ouch! That hurt!"


A/N Hey loves! I finally updated, I know! I really hope you like this chapter it took very long because I didn't have any motivation to write. But I did get this out which I'm kinda proud of!  I have to thank Breanna for making me do this and give me some ideas of what to write. Thank you guys so much for getting me to this point, as I've already said, and thank you for your love and support. Have a wonderful day or evening wherever you may be.

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