Chapter 18

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Peters Apartment

"Hey, Mo? Can you see who the SatanHauntedMyBeer kid is?" Peter asked as he was laying on his beige couch typing an article about how J. Jonah Jameson is extremely biased about opinions and how he hires people.

"Of course I can, Baas." Morticia said while Peter hacked some footage in Jameson's office for proof and searched up his articles about gays.

"Here you go, Baas." Morticia put up a new tap on Peters computer to show him the profile of the kid.

(A/N italics are the profile that either Mo or JARVIS got for Peter.)

Name: Micah Snow
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Description: Shorter than average with a slight build. Long auburn hair on top and short on the sides. Hazel eyes. Freckles on the nose and cheeks.
Personality: Friendly, shy, determined, helps people.
Mental illness: Anxiety
Other: Academically smart, loves Clint and Spider-Man, wants to be a lawyer, posts about the avengers and women's rights on Tumblr.

"Pretty good kid, ain't he?" Peter mumbled looking at the small summary. If he wanted to, he could always look him up in depth.

"Is he ok? Abused or bullied?" Peter asked looking at the picture next to the description. He was pretty. That was the best way to put it and he was pretty sure he wouldn't mind.

"Not abused, though he does live with his Dad - his mom died in a car crash. Looking at the school cameras, it does look like he's bullied but it looks like Luava Fontana regularly helps him. The bullies names are Josh Wilson, Lucas Bolla, and Albert "Super Man" Jones." Morticia said when she got the information.

"Fucking bullies. Send Josh, Lucas, and Albert separate texts different times to stop them. Make sure they can't get any evidence of it." Peter commanded Morticia before looking to see who Luava Fontana is.


Lua_Fot (luava.Fotan)

MHS 2024
Help others when they feel like they can't help themselves and you will rise because of it.
He/Him Demisexual

24 Posts    458 Followers    4 Following

Most of his posts were of nature or buildings but some were of quotes that basically said help others, don't discriminate, and respect others.

Peter quickly and easily got through the schools firewalls and saw that his grades are above average with mostly A's and a few B's. He's in the Library Advisory Committee and Theater.

"Mo, you done?" Peter asked as he was still searching for anything suspicious.

"Yes, Baas." She responded, "Would you like to see the texts?"

"No, no, I'm good. I just think they won't stop. You know what, Mo? I might contact him, say I saw that he had a picture of me but I was fine with him having a picture of me up. Or maybe visit his school." Peter said, sitting up straight and stretching. "What do you think?"

"I think either would work, Baas. But maybe visit the school under the thought of viewing how the school is fairing. You look different enough from what you looked like to gain no attention other than viewing the school."

"That could work," he trailed off in a thoughtful tone. "That would work well. Could you set up a life for me? Make my name Dionysus Lyson, will you?"

"Anything else, Baas?" Morticia asked already making the life for him, making sure that people that looked similar to him were in the same class, as well as making him have higher grades than most.

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