Chapter 34

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Sitting by himself wasn't exactly wanted, but it was expected. No one noticed him and if they did, they deemed him weak or unnecessary. The only ones who really took notice of him were Sterling Denger and his sister. So it was a surprise when Denger sat next to him. Denger as in his superior and his sort of crush sat next to him in the cafeteria.

"Uh, hello, sir. Is there something you wanted?" The nervous man asked, tilting his head.

The black man's expression changed in the slightest before he took a breath. "Bauer, would you like to go get a coffee sometime? Unofficially." He asked with... hesitance? Non-official in like a friend's way or date way? Either way, he would go.

"Sure. When and where?" If the shocked face was something to go by - Sterling didn't expect him to say yes. Heh, he surprised the ever calm man. That's an accomplishment.

"Oh, what about Morning Star Cafe, Sunday at 11?" The now calm man asked the black haired man.

"Ok, I'll meet you there." He grinned happily. "Also, uh, do you mind if I get your phone number?" Sebastian blurted before he lost confidence. Quickly realizing what his words could mean, he blushed and rambled hoping to not get killed. "Oh, uh not like that! Not unless you want it to be, but you probably don't. Sorry for asking that, I really didn't mean it like that, kind of-" Sebastian got cut off by a flick on the forehead, he blushed even more. Hiding his face in his arms, he was about to apologize until he was caught off.

"I do want it to mean it like that but only if you want it to be. That's why I asked you out." Sterling explained to the shy, black-haired man. Nodding, he gave the short brown-haired man his phone.

After they made sure they had each other's phone numbers, they parted ways. Sebastian left to his car, flopping in his seat and closed his door. Staring blankly in front of him, he thumped his head on the wheel. Suddenly, happy laughter bursted out of him. He couldn't believe it! Someone he liked asked him out on a date. Him! On a date! He'd have to tell his sister about the date and about the brown skinned god, beautiful green eyes, short soft looking hair, and the goddamned tongue piercing!

He was too fucking gay for this.


Sunday at Morning Star Cafe, 10:56 A.M.

Sterling Denger knew he was early. He knew it and didn't care. Sterling wanted to see the pale, black-haired beauty walk in with his sky blue eyes looking to find him. He would never know how he got a date with Sebastian but couldn't care enough to ask.

When he saw the beauty walk in with casual clothes - his mind just about stopped. Sebastian was wearing light blue jeans and white button-up shirt. He was very pretty... yeah, he was gay. Sterling waved towards the man. Sebastian's eyes lit up when he saw the dark-skinned man.

"Hi! You look really good." He said, blushing all the way.

Grinning, he said, "You look even cuter." Sebastian blushed harder, waving a hand in his direction.

"We should get something to eat." Said the flustered man. Although he found a new love in teasing the shorter man, he was hungry. They both stood up and ordered. Sebastian got a Waffle Smore and a caramel iced coffee while Sterling got a plain coffee with an omelette. Sitting back in their seats, they began eating.

Small chatter easily flowed between them and glances were stolen. Hours passed between the two of them - both in the cafe and in a park. Sooner than the two expected, it was 5 P.M. and they had to get to the base early in the morning for a meeting.

Walking in happy silence to the park gate, they hesitantly grabbed each other's hands. Sebastian leaned ever so slightly into the taller man's side. Sterling smiled but didn't say anything about it and instead tugged the man closer to his side.

"Thank you for bringing me out here. I had a good time." Sebastian said, slowly untangling his fingers with the other.

"Thank you for saying yes." He smiled down at his date. "If you don't mind me asking, would you like to go on another date?"

Stunned but happy, Sebastian nodded his head and pressed a kiss to the others cheek. Freezing, he was about to blurt our apologies before a kiss pressed to his cheek. Staring at the taller man, he felt a happiness he hasn't felt in a long time.

He's glad that Sterling returned his feelings.

A/N Hey loves! I'm going to try and make the chapters longer. I'm working on other stories that I haven't posted yet and they are mostly BNHA stories. So if you do want to see it, comment! Right now I have two - a vigilante story and time travel story. If any of you lost anyone due to a war or anything else that you cared for, I hope you remember the good times with them. Stay safe and thank you for staying with me through this journey.

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