Chapter 19

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Gym, 10:34 A.M.

Peter was glad the the principal finally sent out an email to all the teachers that he might come into class so he didn't have to say his speech and answer questions more than he would like. At least after this class it would be lunch, he was starving.

"Oh, hey, Mr. Lyson." Allo said walking to him. They were in a few classes that he went to. They were quite friendly to him when he first went into their class. Allo had a half shaved light blue head and was wearing ripped black jeans, white shirt, and a denim jacket with pins on it.

"Hey, Allo." Peter sat at the table near the rolling cart. He had his computer out with the notes that he took for the each class he went to.

"We're not going to do a lot today cause we got a sub." they nodded to the substitute standing near the girls locker room calling out the names in alphabetical order. They must've got called already - their last name was Bacino.

"Ok, you guys are going to play dodgeball right?" Peter asked looking over the notes he already took. Allo didn't answer so he looked over to see their confused face. "What?" He asked then remembered that most people that come here don't know that they play dodgeball in Gym when a substitute was there.

"How did you know that? Did you look over the plan? But you couldn't have, you just got here. How did you know?" Allo rapidly asked questions when they didn't get an answer.

"I just do." Peter winked at them.

Allo looked ready to question him more but before they could, the substitute called out, "Students! Get into two groups of fifteen on the opposite sides of the gym!"

The students listened to her and walked to the opposite sides. It looked like that no one changed into their gym clothes, which most don't do when there is a sub.

The substitute grabbed a bag of soft balls and spread the balls on the line separating the two groups. The substitute walked over to the computer that played music and yelled 'go' as she started the music. The athletic people ran to the center to grab balls and hurled balls to their friends laughing when their targets got hit. The shy people or people who didn't want to do it stood in the back moving slightly when a ball came towards them. Some yells of 'sorry' and 'suck it' rang out in the gym, music hiding their words.

Peter leaned back in the chair, seeing familiar faces throwing balls and some not. Allo threw one at an opponent's body and got him in the chest. He laughed and ran out of bounds, ducking under the balls being thrown. A girl threw a ball at Allo but they spun out of the way and threw one when the girl turned away. Peter smiled at the students having fun and sat back to continue his work.

He worked for about 15 minutes before his senses went off to move to the left. Left. Move to the left. LEFT!

Peter flinched to the left, seeing a red ball hurtle past him into the wall about 8 feet in front of him. The room was silent as Peter stood up and turned around anger on his face. "Who-" Peter asked, anger lacing his voice, "-threw that ball at me?"

The students said nothing as they fidgeted. Peter eyed each student to see who looked guilty or smug. He saw Allo look surprised and angered at whoever did that. Whoever done that was not an accident since neither team faced Peter to accidentally hit him. The closest team to him was Allo's team which was the most likely possibility it was their team since the ball didn't hit the wall next to Peter. He took a close look at Allos team and saw a male look away as soon as he looked at him. The boy's body language was smug and fearful.

"Why would anyone do that, I ask. Then I see you and I know." Peter stared at him and shook his head as he began to pack up his stuff. "Come with me, I'm taking you to the office." The boy grumbled as he reluctantly followed Peter.

"Mrs. Connor, I'd like to see the principle." He said to the receptionist. She blushed but nodded all the same. She called on the phone and nodded for them to go back.

"Hello Mr. Lyson. What are you doing with Mason here?" He asked standing up and gesturing for them to sit.

"Well, Mr. Brown, he threw a ball from dodgeball at my head. I was very lucky to move at the time he threw it so it just hit the wall." Peter said, glancing at the smug looking kid next to him and mentally groaned. They looked way too similar for it to be a coincidence.

"Mason could never do that to you! He's a good kid and a good student!" Mr. Brown exclaimed, looking scandalized.

Knew it, thought Peter. "Are you sure about that, Mr. Brown? Are you sure you're not being biased to your own son when he clearly threw a ball at me with witnesses and a camera to prove it." Peter said leaning closer with his hands in a clasp in front of him.

"I-I-I would never." Even as he said that, he looked fearful and ashamed of what he let happen and what Peter, or Dionysus, could do to him.

"I don't think so, Mike." Mike looked surprised at him knowing his name. "Now what you're going to do is give him an in-school suspension and a lesson of behavior in and out of school, which is not taught by you."

"You-you can't do that!" Mike yelled, standing up and pointing at him.

"I can and I am. Albert Jones will also help clean the school for two hours, one week." Both Browns looked at him in horror. "I will review the cameras in one week to make sure you have done what you're supposed to." He stood up and turned sharply away. He knew that they wouldn't do anything, they were too proud to do so. He returned to the gym and sat down, not opening his computer or briefcase.

He saw them look at him and try to find Mason. He slightly smirked and said, "He's got an in-school suspension and a lesson in behavior."

The class was silent as they took in the new information and broke out into cheers. He heard some kids say 'finally' and 'about time'.

Allo came up to him and said, "You were the first person to call him out on his bullshit, so thank you."

"No problem. Albert Jones has to clean the school for the next five days but you didn't hear it from me." He winked at them, nodded to the sub and set off for his next class

A/N Hey loves! This was 1178 words long and I'm sorry it was late, I was working on it a little bit and editing it. I hope you all like this chapter as much as my friend Breanna does. Little fact is that she wanted the receptionist to "blosh-blush" when she saw Peter and made me have Clint stick his gun down his pants instead of a holster. Anyway, have a beautiful evening or morning wherever you may be.

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