thirty seven

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No matter how hard I tried to focus, I just can't. I even dropped my pen and Junkyu immediately picked it up for me.

I put out my hand to get it from him. Much to my surprise, he put his hand on top of my palm instead of the pen.

"Hmm... your hands are very warm." He said.

"What are you doing?" I looked at him in disbelief. It made my heart beat faster.

"Oh, sorry." He said. He then removed his hand and placed the pen on my palm.

Stop playing with my feelings, Junkyu.

After a few moments, Junkyu already kept quiet and started reading the book he borrowed. Meanwhile, there's me who still can't focus. This is really his fault. I'm the one who should leave this place because he won't even leave.

While I was thinking of a place where I can review, Hyunsuk suddenly appeared. "I didn't know that you two are here."

"Are you going to review here, too?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll just borrow a book. Reserve me that seat beside you, Junkyu." He said.

Junkyu looked at me as soon as Hyunsuk left. About that, I don't know what look is he giving me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're too obvious about your feelings, Miyu, and it shows." Junkyu grinned.

"W-what feelings?" I stuttered.

"You like Hyunsuk, don't you?"

My eyes widened with what he said. How can he say that?

"Shut up. I can't review because of you."

"Are you trying to avoid my question? You just have to answer yes or no." He said, persistent. "You were trying to make me leave earlier. But with Hyunsuk--"

"You know what, you're so noisy." I interrupted. "I'm going to leave."

As soon as I stood up, Junkyu held my wrist. "Hey, don't leave. I'll keep quiet, I promise!"

With that look he's giving me, I just can't help but blush. He was cute. My heart says that I should stay, but my mind says that I should leave.

"Fine, I'm going to stay a little longer. But if you're noisy again, I'll really leave." I said as I sat.

"What were you talking about?" Hyunsuk asked, holding two books.

"She said that she can't concentrate in reviewing because I'm too handsome--ugh!" Junkyu groaned as I kicked his leg.

"Stop making stories." I said.

"It was a joke! You could've just covered my mouth. Why did you kick my leg?" He complained.

"Hey, you should tone down your voice. Everybody's looking." Hyunsuk said.

Junkyu frowned at me and I laughed because of it.

Somehow, I realized that I should've been avoiding him today. Phew, I'll just start avoiding him as soon as we leave the library.

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