forty one

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After that sudden confession of mine, I immediately left. My heart was racing. I don't think he's shocked or something because many girls had already confessed to him before.

Now I don't know how I'm going to face him. I sighed. I should've waited a bit longer and confessed at the right time.

I went to my seat and calmed myself.

Let's just act like nothing happened.

Junkyu arrived after a while. We had an eye contact for a few seconds but I averted my gaze right away.

Suddenly, he put a note on top of my desk.

'Let's eat together this recess time!'


Recess time came by and I didn't know what to do. I promised myself to act like nothing happened and it would be more awkward if I avoid him. So I guess, I'll eat with him.

"Leggo!" Junkyu said.

"You go ahead. I'll follow."

Junkyu shrugged his shoulders and went ahead. I needed some time to compose myself. To be honest, I could feel my cheeks burning because of that note. Who wouldn't be if your crush gave you that?

I breathed in and out and then went to the cafeteria. I looked around and found Junkyu. And so, I went towards the table and sat with him.

"Here's your food." He said, pushing the tray in front of me. "You don't need to pay for it. It's my treat."

Here he goes once more. He's really good at sweet talking, huh? I already told him yesterday not to do it again. Does it permit him to continue being sweet just because he already know how I feel for him? Isn't he giving me a false hope? And one more thing, God knows how much I'm addicted to his scent and he's literally near me everytime.

"You still with me, Miyu?" He snapped.

I realized that I didn't hear what he was saying because of thinking about things.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What were you saying again?" I asked.

"As I was saying, I wanted to check out the brand new perfumes at the mall. Wanna come with me?"



We went to the mall after dismissal.

While following Junkyu, I started having thoughts as to why I agreed to come with him here. I really don't get myself at all. I wanted to get rid of my feelings because I think he doesn't like me back and didn't he reject me when I confessed? Oh wait, he didn't answer yet.

"What do you think about this scent?" Junkyu asked as he let me smell the scent of the perfume he's holding.

Oh fudge, I remembered that I can't really smell because I have anosmia.

"It smells nice." I lied.

"Hmm, but I don't quite like this one." He said. "How about this?"

Do I really have to do this? I thought.

"It's okay."

"Why do we think differently? I think the smell was strong though. I'd get naseous."

I smiled nervously when he said that. I nearly got caught.

"So, what do you think is the perfume that has the best scent here?" He asked me.

"Why are you asking me that?"

"I'm going to buy it."

"Huh? You should be the one to pick. It's you who'll gonna use it anyway."

"Pick one for me, please?" He begged.

"I can't pick. I like all of it." I said. "Honestly, I prefer the perfume you're using right now. It really smells nice."

"Really?" He gave a me a teasing look.

"Don't look at me like that and just pick one for yourself."

He then put his hand on his chin. "I was planning to give you a perfume that you like, but it seems like you're having a hard time picking. I'm going to pick one for you then."

"Wait, what?" I said, surprised. "You don't need to!"

"I'm doing this because I want to, okay?" He said and was about to go to the cashier.

I snatched the perfume he's holding and put it back to it's original place. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the mall.

"If you'll still keep on doing this, I'll avoid you for real." I said. "If you don't like me, then tell me. Why do you keep on giving me false hope?"

For a moment, he was silent.

"You don't need to feel bad. Just tell me already so that I can get rid of these feelings." I said, about to cry.

"Fine, you don't need to say anything. I get it." I continued.

I was about to leave, but he muttered something. "Miyu,"

I swear I wanted to leave already, but I wanted to hear what he's going to say.

"I'm doing all of these because I like you, too."

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