forty two

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What happened the other day was unexpected. I mean, I never confessed and who would've thought that I'll confess all of a sudden? But yesterday was surprising enough that it felt surreal.

Thank goodness, today is Saturday. I was just staring at the ceiling the whole day. I can't believe what just happened.

"Aren't you going to eat?" My mom asked.

"I'm coming!" I replied.

I ate my food quickly and after that, I just lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling again.

I shook my head. "It's not real. It was just a dream, wasn't it?"

And so, I slapped my cheek but I got hurt instead.

It was real?!?

That's when I got back to my senses. My heart was beating hard like never before. So this is what it feels like having your crush like you back! ><

My phone suddenly vibrated and there was an incoming call. The caller was unknown so I hesitated if I answer it or not.


"Hi, Miyu! This is Noa."

"Oh, hi!" I greeted back. "Why did you call me?"

"Nothing, really. I just want someone to talk to."

"You're bored, aren't you?" I asked.

"Yes, I am." He muttered. "Let me ask you something."

"Go on."

"How is it with Junkyu?"

I nearly dropped my phone with his question. I forgot it for a moment but he reminded me of it again.

"Uhh... I already confessed to him." I admitted.

"Oh, really?"


"Tell me more! What did he say after that?"

I heaved a sigh before answering. "I immediately left that time because I was so embarrassed."

"Pfft, I can imagine your embarrassed expression!" Noa teased.

"Stop making fun of me!" I said, irritated.

"I'm sorry! I just can't help it!" He laughed. "Weren't there any progress after that?"

"There is." I said. "Yesterday, he told me that..."

"That what?"

"I don't feel like telling you, Noa. I feel like you're going to tease me again." I said as a matter of fact.

"What is it? I'm so curious! Did he reject you or what?"

"I'm going to tell it you when we meet in school, okay?" I said. "You know what, I kept thinking about Junkyu the whole day. I want to see him today and talk to him. But I would just probably be silent because I don't know how to act around him anymore."

Just then, I heard someone's voice from the other line.

"Wait, is that my phone? I was finding for it everywhere! Give it back to me, Noa!"

"I'll borrow it for the meantime. I'm not yet done talking to Mi--"


It was Junkyu's voice and it made me froze.

"H-hey." I stammered.

"Is this Miyu?"

"Uhh yeah."

"Was it you who called or?"

"Miyu was the one who called." Noa interrupted.

What the hell? It wasn't me.

"No, it's not true!" I defended but he just let out a soft laugh.

"What did you talk about?"

"We talked about you actually." Noa interrupted once again.

"What about me?"

"Nothing, really. You don't have to mind it." I said.

"I'll hang up for a moment. Don't end the call."

I did what he told me to and after a few minutes, he spoke.



"I already told Noa to go home so let's talk comfortably now."

I laughed. "Poor, Noa."

"He was really supposed go home but he decided to steal my phone sneakily." He said. "By the way, how are you?"

"I'm fine." I replied. Well, I'm not really fine because my heart was beating fast again. "I was just lying in my bed the whole day. How about you? What were you doing?"

"I am thinking about..."

Damn, will he tell me that he's thinking about me? >< I felt my cheeks burning and I swear I wanted to scream right now.

"the things that Hyunsuk told me to do. I'm helping him with the design of the booth for their club event."

Okay, I was embarrassed once again for thinking like that. But yeah, I was a bit disappointed when he said that.

"Good luck! I hope it'll be a success." I said.


"You're welcome."

After that, there was a moment of silence.

"I want to tell you something." He said. This time, he was serious. "But I'll tell it to you on Monday."

"Oh, okay."

"Bye for now, Miyu! Hyunsuk's calling me."



a/n: few chaps left i think??? also, pls read my other stories too if u want hihi thank u

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