Zorua isn't the only one-Lonashipping

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Gladion entered his room after some lunch and plopped down at his desk. To his surprise there was box there, rapped in red paper with a black ribbon. There was a note tied to the top. Gladion lifted the note and read it allowed to himself.

"Gladion, please watch over this Pokémon until I can get back from my trip. Thanks honey. Be careful though this Pokémon is a master of illusions. P. S. if it transforms into anyone, just grab it's tail and it will change back." Gladion tilted his head. "Master of illusion?"

As he went to open the box, it shook. His hand stopped, unsure what do expect. Suddenly, the box burst open to reveal a little back and red fox Pokémon.

"Zoru zoru!" The pokemon squeaked happily wagging its tail.

"A zorua?" Gladion remarked aloud. The Pokémon suddenly jumped out of the box and out of his room. "Hey get back here!"

He had to chase the little Pokémon around the house for about 15 minutes before he managed to catch it.

"Ok." Gladion breathed, setting the Pokémon back on his deck. "Sit and stay." He commanded. The Zoura complied and sat down, wagging its tail. "Now, there must be a Pokéball in here somewhere." Gladion muttered, digging through the box.

The Zoura quickly got board and looked around the room. It then spotted a framed photograph on the desk. It was a girl with black hair and blue eyes standing next to Gladion and the Silvally.

"Zoru zorua!" The Pokemon cooed happily.

It then jumped off the deck and turning into Moon. The Pokémon giddily admired it's handy work. Make funny faces in the mirror.

"Found it." Gladion announced. He turned and his eyes filled with shock. Standing before him was Moon, but upon closer inspection, he realized what happened. Gladion stepped forward and grabbed its tail. "Knock it off."

In a purple flash, the Pokémon was back to its original form.

"Zoura!" It giggled and ran away.

"Not again!" Gladion screeched running after it. He tried to return it to the Pokéball, but it dodged every attempt. It was headed for the front door. "Oh no you don't!"

Gladion managed to run in front of it and block the door. However, it didn't stop and sailed right over him. When Gladion turned around. He saw himself, but with an interesting addition, a tail. The Pokémon ran right out of the house. Gladion stood there for a moment, in shock, but quickly ran after it.

'I can't let anyone see it and have them think it's me.' Gladion thought as he raced after his now look alike.

Zoura was ahead enough to lose Gladion in the run. So it just wondered around the outside, until it spotted the girl from the picture. She was walking away from the house, a cheery skip in her step.

"Oh, hi Gladion." Moon waved, a bright smile of her face. Zoura smiled and ran up to her, tail wagging. "I was just-" she was interrupted mid sentence by a hug from the Pokémon. "Oh!" Moon squeaked in surprise. 'This is new.' Moon thought but gladly hugged him back. Zoura began to nuzzle her, causing moon to giggle. "Gladion, that tickles."

Gladion finally spotted the Pokémon, and felt a sense of jealousy wash over him. He approached, trying his best to keep his cool. He grabbed the Pokémon's tail, changing it back.

"Zoura zoura!" It barked and licked Moon's cheek.

"Hehe!" Moon giggled.

"It likes you." Gladion stated.

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