Chapter 1

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Location : Alola Region

Ash's POV

"Now that we have finished our journey here Pikachu, what are we gonna do?" I asked Pikachu, who was on my shoulder as I feel myself comfortable at Professor Kukui's cabin. Pikachu just looked at me and tilted his head. I just chuckled at his response.

"Now that you've said it Ash, I don't know what to do." Lillie, who was just right beside me, replied as she heard me ask.

"I do hope for some more adventures though, probably gonna go back in other regions I've went from." I said as I put a finger on my chin, talking to no one in particular.

"I almost forgot about that." Lillie sighed, I just chuckled at that.

"But I don't know, I don't want to leave here, this place is very dear to me." I said to her, making her give her warm smile. That's so sweet.

"I can't even imagine what will happen if you weren't around here." Lillie said and gave me a teasing smile, I just chuckled in response.

Professor Kukui just arrived from who-knows-where, probably doing some research on stuff.

"Ash, this may be surprising but someone gave this letter to me, the mail says I should give this one to you."

Probably not.

I jolted up and recieved the letter from Professor Kukui. I opened the mail and read it aloud.

Dear Ash,

              How's your journey in Alola? Have you been doing good? Oh sorry, guess I have to go straight to the point, the purpose of this letter Ash is to invite you to go to another school, yes, another school, I know that you've been to Kukui's Pokemon School, and this time, I want you to also go to the Kalos Academy, it has your favourite, battling.
               Also, I see that you've made friends there, Kukui told me, you should invite them to come with you to this school, I don't mind, the more the merrier.
               Don't worry about hurrying things up, finish up your journey if you haven't finished it up yet, I'll be waiting for you, and I can't wait to see you and your Greninja in action again.

                                    Your Froakie Giver

I attended a school and now I have to attend another, but I think this is gonna be an interesting one.

I smirked unconsciously, probably me being excited at all, Lillie, hearing this one up, had those stars in her eyes, and I'm guessing that she's a hundred percent coming with me.

"I'm guessing that you're coming Lillie?" I asked her, she gave me a grin.

"Is it that obvious?" She continued on grinning and smiling madly, guess I can't help her with that. I just sighed at her.

"Maybe your brother wants to come too?" I asked her, she put a finger on her chin and thought about it.

"Maybe he's just in the mansion. I'll call him later." She replied back.

"Then ready yourselves kids, or do you want to call up the others?" Professor Kukui asked, making us think about it.

"Might as well call the others and then tell them about this, but I dont think everyone can come." I replied. I don't think Mallow can come because of her duty, but who knows?

"Pack your things kids, we're leaving tomorrow." Professor Kukui said, making us feel a jolt of excitement, it's so early but I like it.

"Then we'll call the others right now." Lillie suggested and then bolted off, probably calling the others. She's really excited about this.

"Decidueye, can you guard Lillie from above? Who knows what might happen to her." I sighed as I called up Decidueye who's just flying around. She quickly nodded and the followed Lillie's trails.

"Guess your really taking care of Lillie, Ash." Professor Kukui said, smirking. I don't know why.

"Who knows what might happen to her on the way professor." I simply said, but I think Professor Kukui isn't buying it but decided to drop the topic.

"You should pack yours and Lillie's stuffs." Professor Kukui said ans then walked away, laughing. Seriously, what's with him lately?

I sighed and then called my other Pokemons to help me out packing up my things. They all cheered and went in there respective duties.

Lillie's POV

I can't believe it! I'm finally going to Kalos, this is my first time travelling to other regions, and I can't wait, my mindset is on Mallow's restaurant first.

As I am walking towards Mallow's house, three familiar figures is now infront of me.

"Look at this twerpette, she's all by herself."

Team Rocket? Of all times, why now? I mean, they're not tired of this? I only have Snowy with me. Wait, she isn't on me right now! She's in the cabin!

"Since you're on your own, no Pikachu and twerp around, we can steal your Pokemon now." I believe her name is Jessie. She grinned and motioned herself slowly walking closer to me, I took a step back, even if I don't have any pokemons with me right now.

Suddenly, a familiar figure landed in front of me, there stood Ash's magestic Decidueye. It stood like a royalty, I really like it.

"Ugh, it's the twerp's sleepyhead Pokemon." Meowth said, ticking Decidueye off.

"If I were you Meowth, I wouldn't say that." I said and stuck my tongue out.

They all facepaled as Decidueye jolted upwards and then dived towards them, glowing, that's probably her Brave Bird on the way.

I watched amused as Decidueye hit her target, making them blasted away to who-knows-where. I patted Decidueye's head and then thanked her. She cooed and then we continued to move on.

Ash's POV

"Alright, everything is settled, thank you guys for your help." I said to them and then wiped off my sweat. They all cooed cheerfully. I already told them what's happening. And I can say that they are really excited to go back to Kalos.

"Now we will just wait for Lillie to come back, I hope she's okay." I said to particularly no one.

"Wait what did I just said?"

To be continued...

My first A/N of the story! I should probably make this one informative.

So first of all, thank you for clicking on my story! This is my fourth one because I don't know what to do with those three, I hope someone will adopt it, much appreciated.

And for the schedule of the updates of this story, it is unstable, but I don't think it'll take a week before I can publish another chapter. I mean, it's school days and you guys know school is busy.

And I think the chapters of this story will be much shorter from my other books, but I will try my best to achieve 1k plus words for every chapter.

I think that's all, for now, and I'll see you in the next chapter.~

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