Chapter 11

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Location : Kalos Region

Ash's POV

"The Champion is now down to his four pokemon!  Will he make a comeback?!" Professor Sycamore yelled through the microphone, the voice echoed throughout the arena, the crowds were were cheering and yelling Calem's name as well as mine.

Calem gritted his teeth in annoyance, much to my happiness, oh.

He tossed his next pokeball to use, it opened and then revealed a Talonflame, it is pretty well raised, I have to admit. The feather's are magestic, shining orange and red. That'll make the battle more interesting and fun. A tag appeared after.

'Talonflame - Lv.70'

"Lycanroc, return for now, I want to give our other team a chance." I said to my Lycanroc, he barked happily and I returned him back to his pokeball.

"Sceptile, I choose you!" I yelled as I tossed the pokeball of my next choice. Sceptile went out and then tiptoed magestically, before doing battle stance. The keystone on his scarf by his neck shone brightly. Then a tag appeared.

'Sceptile - Lv. 89'

"Battle begin!"

"Hah! You let out a pokemon who is two times weak to fire type! You're pretty idiot for a trainer!" Calem yelled with smug on his face, although I kept my cool.

"How about you battle instead of blabbering about things." I replied with a cool smile, much to his annoyance.

"Tch, Talonflame, this will be an easy victory, start off with Flame Charge!" Calem commanded, does he really do this? Underestimating trainers?

"Hold him." I coldly replied, he'll get what he should deserve to get.

Flame Charge was heading towards Sceptile, but Sceptile didn't move an inch, and when Talonflame was about to hit Sceptile, he calmly blocked it by holding Talonflame's beak. The crowd gasped in surprise.

"Throw it." I coldly said.

Much to Calem's shock and disbelief, as well as the audience, after Sceptile got a hold of its beak, he threw it above the battlefield, Talonflame didn't got the balance due to the unequal wind passing through it's wings.

"Leaf Blade." I concluded.

He made a speedy jump towards the outbalanced Talonflame and slashed it with Leaf Blade, Talonflame was pushed to the ground, but didn't end up fainting, it got up and then regained balance.

"Hows that for an evil trainer act?" I giggled and then returned towards my usual self, I'm not really suitable for that kind of trainer, I sweatdropped and then laughes awkwardly.

On the stands

"Seriously?" May asked with disbelief. She facepalmed.

"I knew it, Ash isn't like that, but the way he battle is remarkable." Gary said.

"Is he like that sometimes?" Dawn asked.

"Not really, well I don't know, did we travel together?" Gary replied. Dawn just shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"But he's really strong, I have to admit." Brock said.

On the stage

"Since when does Ash act?" Sophocles asked to no one.

"It's first time I see him like that, although I got nervous a little there." Lana said.

"Likewise Lana." Mallow seconded.

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