Chapter 6

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Location : Kalos Region

Lillie's POV

"Alright students settle down!" Professor Sycamore's voice boomed through the battlefield, I'm really surprised that this battlefield is quite a huge one, I'm assuming that this is the main battlefield, seeing that there are other battlefields but they are half the size of this one.

The five of us are now behind Professor Sycamore, I guess this may buy time for Ash to arrive here.

"You guys probably know that we have new students from Alola, and now, introduce yourselves newcomers!" Professor Sycamore yelled and then offered us the stage, the five of us walked towards the stage and was greeted with cheers.

We recieved uproars, mostly on me, and I don't really know why.

"I told you you're beautiful Lillie!" Mallow, who's just beside me, nudged and said. I blushed and then covered myself in embarrassment, she just grinned at this.

"Just shut up Mallow...I..." I muttered, still embarassed.

"You what?" Mallow asked while smirking, I guess she noticed.

"Nevermind." I said.

"Now, as you guys know, once a newcomer is here, we'll offer them a battle, each of them!" Professor Sycamore announced, gaining yells of excitement from everyone.

"Now trainers, please choose an opponent." Professor Sycamore said, smiling.

Serena's POV

Everyone is already here in the battlefield, we found our seats and decided to go there, atleast I'm with everyone.

"May, do you think they're strong?" Dawn asked, I just stared at the five, and I'm guessing that they're probably strong.

"Alola is known for strong trainers, maybe they're one of them Dawn." May said.

We nodded at what May said, even though Alola is a famous place for tourists, trainers who came from there are also strong, so I'm suggesting them not underestimate them.

"Gary? Gary?" Iris put a hand in front of Gary, who's just staring blankly, I'm pretty sure he's in deep thoughts.

We all noticed Gary's sudden change of behavior, from a happy one to a rather, stressed out? I mean, it's been weeks since he's acting like this, and I don't know what bothers him, and he's refusing to say anything, other than a certain someone.

"W-What?" Gary asked, regaining conciousness.

"You're dozing off, what are you thinking?" May asked, Gary just shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"I-It's nothing." Gary said and sweatdropped.

Then suddenly, something surprising just happened.

"I choose the girl over there." I see the blonde girl pointing at me, I even double checked, I tried avoiding her pointing finger, but she just sticked on pointing me up.

"Oh, so you're challenging the most famous trainer here in Kalos Academy! Interesting!" Professor Sycamore yipped in excitement.

Although I don't want to battle, I still have to, because rules are rules. And I may have to watch out, even if I knew many things from Alola, who knows what's in her sleeves.

Ash's POV

I finally arrived, thank goodness, that was a long flight!

I returned Charizard back in his pokeball and thanked him for the ride, as we are about to go in to the campus, I heard some yells and cheers from a battlefield.

"I guess it's starting Pikachu, let's hurry up!" I said and then hurried myself up to the battlefield.

And on my way here, while riding on Charizard, I worked on the mega stone Tapu Koko gave to me, I inserted it on a silver necklace, which is surprisingly, just on my bag, and it fits perfectly.

We arrived at the battlefield, and I saw Lillie facing off another girl, loud cheers and yells are already booming through.

I watched with interest as I leaned on a pillar, smirking on what Lillie can do, because if I recall, we did trained a lot back in Alola, and I am pretty confident that Lillie will sort this one out.

Lillie's POV

These cheers are somehow irritating my ears, but maybe I might bare with this.

I looked at girl in front of me, she's smiling confidently, everyone calls her a popular student here in this academy, might as well watch out.

And if Ash is watching this right now, I can't let him down, I can't let his training with me taken for granted.

"Challenger, what matchup would you prefer?" The referee asked, I almost forgot about this one.

"I would like a 3 versus 3 battle please." I replied back, the referee nodded and then announced.

"This is a 3 versus 3 battle between Serena and Lillie, trainers, release your pokemons!" The referee yelled. The two of us nodded and Serena decided to call her pokemon first.

"Delphox, let's battle!" Serena yelled and there revealed the magestic fire type Pokemon, Delphox.

I thought for a second before deciding on what to choose, and then finally decided.

"Snowy, I choose you!" I yelled and then threw Ninetail's pokeball, it opened and revealed the beautiful Alolan Ninetails, I mentally blushed because of the line I said while releasing Snowy, that was embarassing! I just copied Ash's line!

"Amazing! It's not everyday we can see Alolan Pokemons here!" Professor Sycamore yelled, I guess he's the announcer.

We waited for someone to move in literally a minute, I kept my cool and Serena lost her patience and decided to move first.

"Delphox, start of with Mystical Fire!" Serena called out, Delphox danced before sending out a stream of beautiful flames towards Snowy, I smiled and then decided to command.

"Snowy, Ice Beam below you, create a shield." I said, Snowy did why was told and launched an Ice Beam just below her and created a spiky ice shield, perfectly deflecting the Mystical Fire, the collision made the impact beautiful, creating elegant sparks, even Serena stared at it with awe.

"Delphox, jump and use Fire Blast!" Serena finally picked up and yelled.

"Snowy, Aurora Veil." I commanded.

Delphox once again danced and then jumped, and fired a Fire Blast towards Snowy, Snowy used Aurora Veil and surprisingly blocked the attack.

"Wait how?" Serena asked in disbelief, but I ignored her.

"Snowy, Ice Beam head on." I called out. Snowy quickly obeyed and launched an Ice Beam towards Delphox.

"Delphox, do-" she was cut off as the attack hit Delphox, the fire type pokemon took a step back, injured from the previous attack."

Serena's POV

'She's quite powerful...' I mentally said, I am now having a hard time here with her, my first battle of the day and it's quite hard.

"Delphox, let's attack in distance. Use Flamethrower!" I commanded. Delphox nodded and then took a step back before launching off Flamethrower.

"Shield, again." I heard her command, and rather, in a calm tone. Ninetails repelled the Flamethrower by launching again Ice Beam towards the ground, creating spiky ice shield.

'Her tactics is quite remarkable.' I mentally said, this is going to be quite hard for me, really.

May's POV

"The blonde girl is good." Dawn said, and we all nodded in agreement.

"This is my first time seeing Serena having a hard time." I said.

"The blonde girl is quite a challenge." Cilan said.

Serena, you have to pull through.

To be continued...

(A/N) Sorry for the cliffhanger! I just love doing this stuff.

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