Chapter 3

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Location : Alola Region

Lillie's POV

"There you are." I quickly said as I caught him just sitting on his bed with his Umbreon on his side.

He looked at me and chuckled, I just sighed at this.

"What?" He asked, curious as to why I am here, probably.

"I'm here because I want to ask you one thing." I said to him, that made him raise his brows.

"What is it?" My brother asked me with curiosity, he stopped petting his Umbreon.

"Do you want to come with us? Me, Ash and the others are going to Kalos." I replied, that caught him off guard and, that face looks hilarious, I think I can stare at it for awhile.

Brother had recognized Ash already, and he probably idolizes him, I mean, he always look up to him and his battles. He's already strong, but Ash is always two steps ahead of him, not to mention, the way Ash trains his Pokemons is beyond remarkable.

But, going to Kalos will be new to him, as I said, we aren't fond of travelling everywhere, thanks to our mother, but now's the chance.

"Don't worry, I think mom will just let us go, besides, we haven't gone to another region since... birth." I added and scratched my head. He seems to agree at this.

"What are we going to do there?" Gladion asked, almost forgot about that.

"Ash here had recieved a letter from a professor in Kalos, we're going on a school!" I said as i jumped in excitement. Gladion just made a blank face.

"Seriously? School?" Gladion asked with disbelief, I just giggled at this.

"Oh come on! Don't be a kill joy brother! It'll be exciting! And besides, it's all battling!" I supported my reason, making Gladion think of it for a while. He looked at Umbreon and nodded.

"When do we leave?"

Ash's POV

It's almost nighttime, and I'm still waiting for Lillie to come home, I hope Decidueye is following her.

"Jeez, that girl, where could she have gone?" I said to literally no one. Pikachu looked at me and nudged me, giving me a smile.

"Guess I'm taking that one as a 'she's just fine'" Pikachu." I sighed and then chuckled.

Just then, someone barraged from the door, the familiar blonde haired girl just casually walked through and then sit beside me.

"Cool, where have you been?" I asked sarcastically, she just giggled at this.

"I had trouble finding my brother, sorry." She gave me a goofy smile and then did a peace sign. That's so cute.

Wait, what?

"And, I have already informed everyone, and as expected, all of them will be coming." She said happily, I just sighed at this.

"Cool, I guess, but you arrived late, where's Decidueye?" I asked, noticing that she isn't around.

"Her? But she's just right behi---"

The Pokemon of the topic just went in from the window and then casually flew around, like nothing happened. Geez, those two are almost alike.

"Speak of the devil." I sighed, Decidueye just tilted her head, not knowing the topic.

"So, you're ready for tomorrow?" I asked Lillie, deciding to change the topic.

"Yes! And I can't wait!" Lillie replied and squealed, her childish attitude is so special to me.

"What about your brother?" I asked again.

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