Chapter 22

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Location : Hall of Origins

Arceus' POV

"Father, is it possible that I can come along with him soon?" Asked the small feline pink pokemon, excitement really ran through her.

"Yes my child, you can go to him anytime, just like Latias." I replied to her, she gave a grin of excitement.

"But I'll go to him after you're done with this so called 'trainer tags' father." She said and smiled, that got me.

"Talking about that, what about I'll do it now? I have alrady done with the preparations I needed, the pokemons I talked to happily agreed that they'll become some boss pokemons throughout the region" I said to her, she is now squealing, as if she's really looking forward to this.

"Have you made some final arrangements for the ranks father?" She asked, I think I might recall it.

"The ranks will be starting from Starters, then to Newbies, and Novice in addition, these trainers are somewhat the middle trainers, a good example is a trainer who is halfway done with their badges, then Amateurs, to Experts, then Masters, and finally, Legends." I recalled, pretty much that's it for now, I think I'll just update it when I feel like something is lacking.

"So there are seven ranks father, or technically six, since Legend rank is so hard to achieve." She said as she counted the ranks.

"Yes my child, now how about we make it happen now, shall we?" I looked at the small feline pokemon, and she nodded excitedly.

"Another change"

Location : Kanto Region

Ash's POV

I felt my head so dizzy, as if my thirty Tauros are stomping my head, I groaned and got up from my bead, I looked at Pikachu sleeping peacefully, and for some split seconds, the headache was gone.

"Weird." I said to no one. I moved on and then headed downstairs, I looked at the window and, surprisingly, the sky was orange, as if it is still dawn.

"Probably I woke up too early." I muttered, then I decided to pick up my backpack and readied what are necessary, but as I was about to touch the bag, something from above is making light, I looked up and I didn't know what to do as I saw a streak of line above me, then I recalled what Latias said.

"Humans will also have their tags."

I gasped and then hurriedly went on a window, there I saw something unbelievable. A tag above me, bordered with nice heavenly theme, and it was fonted as:

Pokemon Trainer Ash                Legend
(Six pokeballs)

"Wait-, wha- , how..." I manage to say between my shocked state, then just in time, Latias flew in.

"I see that Arceus finally did it." Latias said and smiled.

"But do you know what Legend rank is Ash?" She asked and looked at me playfully, and me right her doesn't even know what's going on.

"What's with it Latias?" I asked curiously.

"That's the highest possible level for trainers Ash, having me in your party, and your experience here in Pokemon world, the tag automatically ranked you as a Legend trainer." She explained, I just stared at her blankly.

"I...what?" I trailed off, I don't even know what to say anymore.

"Wait, just like you guys, do this thing have a way to be hidden?" I asked.

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