Chapter 24

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Location : Kanto Region

Ash's POV

It was still minutes of walking after we went in to the Cerulean Cave, this place brought back memories of me going in here to just search for pokemons, because I heard that some strong ones lives here.

I decided to return Charizard, which he approved, Pikachu is just perking on my shoulder, we both literally stared at the huge Absol in front of us, still admiring it's structure.

"I see that you're finding mega stones for some reason, may I know why?" Absol suddenly asked telepathically.

"Oh...I see, I was tasked to find some mega stones for the professors to be able to study them more, and it's like a benefit for me and for them because what I will find will be mine." I explained to the disaster pokemon, it nodded in understanding.

"Why Cerulean Cave when there's Mount Moon?" It asked again.

"I thought that Mount Moon is just a common place, and many miners and trainers have already explored it, while Cerulean Cave was hardly visited by many." I replied back.

"Well then, I guess your choice is right, because here we are." It said and then we halted.

I looked around and what I see is just your typical cave surroundings, I tilted my head in confusion as to why we stopped here and it's just nothing too fancy here.

"So, what are we going to find here?" This time I asked the disaster pokemon.

She shifted her gaze towards us.

"By any chance, do you have a Sceptile?" She asked, why would she need a Sceptile?

"Why would you need a Sceptile?" I asked it.

"Your Sceptile will answer your question before." It answered, wait does she mean...

I hurriedly tossed Sceptile's pokeball, good thing I happen to bring him with us, it went out and then gave it's cry, when he saw Absol he did battle stance.

"Stop Sceptile, Absol means no harm." I quickly took the front, Sceptile calmed down and looked down, apoligizing.

"No need Sceptile, now, do you sense something powerful?" Absol asked Sceptile, Sceptile just tilted it's head in confusion and then proceeded on focusing on it's surrounded, moments later, it's eyes widened in shock and probably excitement.

It looked around, like it confirmed something, he searched around the cave, until he stopped on a cave wall. Then I was overwhelmed when he uses Leaf Blade on the wall, and what's more shocking is what I saw when he carved the cave wall.

"It's a..." I managed to blurt out, I can't believe it, j-just like that?

Sceptile smiled and then excitedly picked up the small orb attached on the wall. He walked towards me with the stone on hand.

"Yes, it's a Sceptilite, good thing you have a Sceptile though." She commented and chuckled.

I was silent in recieving the mega stone from Sceptile, it's just I can't believe the stone can just be found like that easily.

"Oww!" I grunted, Sceptile smacked my head to bring me back to consciousness I think.

"I...I can't believe it, a Sceptilite..." I manage to say while staring at the green stone with awe, the DNA symbol in it was shining like it's really brand new.

"Sceptile, you want me to use this to you while we battle?" I asked the grass type starter, it nodded excitedly. I made a smile that is plastered on my face and placed the mega stone on my backpack, thinking that I'll just attach the mega stone after Professor Sycamore is done studying it.

"So, are you ready to find another one?" Absol asked, and I nodded excitedly, looking forward for another mega stone to be found out.


"Look at this! My fifth one here in the cave!" I squealed happily as I held the fifth mega stone on hand, Absol said that it is a mega stone for Audino, or the Audinite.

Throughout the cave, the ones I found is the Sceptilite, Garchompite, Venasaurite, Absolite and the recent Audinite.

The search for Absolite was quite the hard one, because we have to go through tons of strong pokemons in order to achieve just one stone, Absol and Pikachu pretty much did their part in handling the battles until I got the hold of Absolite.

Having me acquired the Absolite, I knew that I don't have any Absol on hand, and that's when Absol did her expected part.


"I see that you have no Absol in your party, aren't we?" She asked with a sly smile.

"I uhh..." I muttered.

"I accept on you being my trainer, Ash." She blurted out quickly, I widened my eyes in surprise, a boss pokemon wants to come with me?

"A-Are you sure Absol?" I asked, not really sure what I just heard.

"This is also part of my lord's plans, having him placing an Absolite here in Cerulean Cave, you not having an Absol, and me being your aid here throughout this cave, my lord wants to me to be your very first boss pokemon on hand." She explained.

I remained silent as I was processing what she just said, by 'my lord', I think she meant Arceus, the alpha pokemon, but I'll just not talk about it.

"Well then Absol, I'll catch you using this pokeball, is that alright with you?" I asked out.

"I'll be fine with that." She replied, I took the cue to tap the pokeball on her head and with three wiggles, I caught her.

Flashback Ends

We are still walking in the cave, and sensed that it's getting really late now, it's been hours since I arrived here at the cave and I am getting sleepy and hungry, and I think so does Pikachu.

"Are we gonna continue searching Absol? I think it's getting late now." I asked it.

"We're gonna continue the search tomorrow, I sense more mega stones here, for now, let's go out, I'll lead the way." She said, I nodded and then followed her towards the exit.

While walking, I recalled the moments here in Cerulean Cave, each findings gave us a hard time until I get my hands on the mega stones, I guess it's really normal that strong pokemons have been lurking here in Cerulean Cave, hoping to find more mega stones here in Cerulean Cave, we exited the cave and then headed towards the Cerulean Pokemon Center, returned Absol so that we can't catch any attention from everyone.

To be continued...

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