Chapter 15

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Peep! Peep! A chapter for my readers!

Location : Kalos Region

Ash's POV

"Th-That was a lot of legendaries Ash..." Professor Sycamore muttered, still not believing at the fact that I'm the one who took pictures of them.

"Yeah, especially this Palkia, Dialga and Giratina photo, it was really cool." Sophocles said, still eyeing at the pokedex.

"I'm pretty sure Trevor will be thrilled if he sees this." Professor Sycamore chuckled.

"Who's Trevor?" I asked.

"Trevor is a pokemon photographer, also quite the trainer." Professor Sycamore said as he let me see Trevor's picture. Well, the camera he's holding pretty much tells all.

"He does have a mega evolving Charizard." Professor Sycamore added.

"I would love to battle him soon." I said and grinned.

"Now Ash, this may be surprising but I have one favor to ask you, and I've been thinking about this lately, that is if you don't mind, but this is going to be long." Professor Sycamore said, and that caught me off guard.

"What is it professor?" I asked, curious.

"You see, I want you to search for mega evolution stones." He said briefly.

We gasped in shock as we heard that one. And I can't believe that I will be the one to handle such tasks, it's not that I'll refuse it, but it'll really take too long to search for one stone.

"Seeing you having a Latiasite, I'm confident that you can find more rarer stones. everywhere." He said.

I thought about it for a while, it is also a great chance to travel around once again, so pretty much that'll make my decision clear.

"Okay then, I'll do it professor." I said, pumping my fist up.

"Are you sure Ash?" Lillie asked, concerned.

"I'm fine with it Lillie, besides, it's fun hunting stones, who knows? Maybe I can get rarer ones." I said and chuckled.

"Marvelous! Now, it's your choice on when to start hunting, I'll be waiting." He said, seems excited and readied some equipments.

???'S POV

Raising pokemons can be quite tiring, but nonetheless, it's really fun, I just really hope brother doesn't find too much pokemon eggs in the wild, because the house is already full with it.

"No! Don't eat that one Turtwig!" I exclaimed as I chased the stubborn Turtwig, Turtwig just laughed and then ran throughout the house.

"Marill, take care of the egg, don't let Turtwig touch it!" I exclaimed as I ran through the kitchen still chasing Turtwig, I can see Marill saluting and then went to guard the egg.

"Gotcha!" I yelled and laughed as I caught Turtwig, he's really an energetic one.

Being a babysitter for such too many pokemons is quite a challenge, and I really hope brother will come home soon so that these pokemond can calm down, it's been so long since he step foot on this house.

"You know Leaf, why don't you let out your Flechinder? He'll help." Red, my younger brother, said.

I nodded and then let out Flechinder, he chirped and then went on my head, I giggled at this.

"Flechinder, can you assist me with these Pokemon eggs? Your flame body will be a great help." I asked Flechinder, he chirped in reply and then went to one of the many eggs in this house.

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